
Pierluigi Paganini June 27, 2013
Comment Crew, China-based group of hackers is changing tactics

Chinese hackers Comment Crew is changing tactics, security firms suspected it due the analysis of principal cyber espionage campaigns targeted their clients. The Comment Crew is back again, security experts suspect the involvement of the Chinese group of hackers in the cyber dispute between U.S. and China.  In February The Mandiant Intelligence Center™ released an interesting report […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 26, 2013
Car hacking, cinematographic fiction or reality

Car hacking is today possible due the massive introduction of technology in our vehicles, a hacker that gain access to our vehicles. Car hacking is one of the effect of the massive introduction of technology in our vehicles, a hacker that gain access to our transport is an event that we have seen only in […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 25, 2013
Attacks-as-a-Service, MaaS, FaaS different terms same success history

Attacks-as-a-Service, Malware-as-a-Service and Fraud-as-a-Service, are all terms used to better qualify the complex evolution of cybercrime offer. Attacks-as-a-Service , Malware-as-a-Service and Fraud-as-a-Service are all terms commonly used for providing of illegal activities by cyber criminals. These models of sale represent the natural evolution of the offer in the underground that responds to a demand in constant growth. In the past we have discussed […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 24, 2013
Anonymous and state-sponsored hackers threaten energy sector

The energy sector is threaten with increasing frequency by hacktivists, state-sponsored hackers and cybercriminals… The number of cyber attacks against energy sector is increased creating great concerns within the security community. Oil and gas firms are subject to continuous offensives moved by hacktivists and state-sponsored attacks, their activities are crucial for any country and due this reason are considered privileged targets. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 23, 2013
Operation Tempora, massive tapping program conducted by Britain’s GCHQ

Operation Tempora, is the name of GCHQ program to tap fibre-optic cables for secret access to communications. Operation Tempora, this is the name of last massive tapping program conducted by Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and revealed by The Guardian. Operation Tempora has been going on for at least 18 months, British intelligence adopted “intercept probes” […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 22, 2013
Raspberry Pi as physical backdoor to office networks

Network security engineer “Richee” explained how to use a Raspberry Pi to realize a physical backdoor to gain remote access to an office network. Network security engineer “Richee” published an interesting post on how to use a tiny Raspberry Pi computer to obtain physical access into a corporate network. I decided to publish this post because […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 21, 2013
US law enforcers suggest a kill switch for mobile and Apple adapts

US law enforcers suggest a kill switch for mobile devices to principal manufactures and Apple adapts. The idea of US law enforcers is the realization of a kill switch on mobile devices that would be used in case of theft. New York’s top prosecutor, State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and San Francisco District Attorney George GascĂłn promoted […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 20, 2013
Webcam hacking exploits Chrome Inbuilt Flash player for Camjacking

Researcher Egor Homakov demonstrated the possibility of Webcam hacking exploiting Chrome Inbuilt Flash player, a flaw that represents a serious threat to privacy. Webcam hacking, hackers are increasing their interest on millions of cams that surround us. These prying eyes are everywhere, in the street as in our home, gaming consoles, smartTV and PC are all equipped […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2013
Zeus Trojan steals funds and recruits Money Mules

Security firm Trusteer detected a new variant of Zeus Trojan that steals funds and recruits Money Mules proposing jobs ads to the victims using Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) techniques. Zeus Trojan is becoming even more complex, its evolution is unpredictable due to the intense activity in the underground on its source code. Various forums in the underground offer customization […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 17, 2013
Palantir, private industries … Who helped NSA to build Prism?

Palantir Technologies is considered the principal company behind the design of software used for PRISM program, think of it as the work of a single company is truly an understatement. Palantir Technologies, this is the most popular company name referred when discussing those who have supported the U.S. Government in the development of massive surveillance […]