
Pierluigi Paganini July 04, 2024
Brazil data protection authority bans Meta from training AI models with data originating in the country

Brazil’s data protection authority temporarily banned Meta from using data originating in the country to train its artificial intelligence. Brazil’s data protection authority, Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), has imposed a temporary ban on Meta from processing users’ personal data for training its artificial intelligence (AI) models. “The National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) issued […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2019
Hacker is auctioning a database containing details of 92 million Brazilians

A database containing details of 92 million Brazilians was auctioned by a threat actor on underground forums along with a search service focused on Brazilians. Someone is auctioning on several restricted underground forums a database containing personal information of 92 million Brazilian citizens. The threat actor, registered as X4Crow, is also advertising a search service that […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2017
New PRILEX ATM Malware used in targeted attacks against a Brazilian bank

PRILEX is a new ATM malware analyzed by researchers at Trend Micro that was used in high-targeted attacks against a Brazilian bank. Security researchers from Trend Micro recently discovered a strain of ATM malware dubbed PRILEX that was involved in targeted attacks in Brazil. PRILEX is written in Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6), it was specifically designed to […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2017
Anonymous launch Brazilian Corrupt Public Sector Entities Data Leak

In an astonishing move, Anonymous leak public sector entities infrastructure topology data for the people of Brazil in the midst of Lava Jato scandal. The compromised data includes IP addresses from the public sector, ranging law enforcement agencies and local municipality. This data leak comes at a moment where a strong fight against corruption is […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 18, 2017
The hacker Kuroi’SH defaced the official Google Brazil domain

A hacker using the online moniker of ‘Kuroi’SH’ defaced the Google Brazil domain on Tuesday afternoon, this isn’t the first high-profile target he breached. A hacker using the online moniker of ‘Kuroi’SH’ defaced the official Google Brazil domain on Tuesday afternoon. The defaced page displayed a message greeting his friends for the successful attack on such a high-profile […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2016
TeamXRat spreads ransomware via RDP brute-force attacks

Malware researchers from Kaspersky have spotted the TeamXRat gang spreading a new ransomware in Brazil via RDP brute-force attacks. Cyber criminals are using stolen or weak remote desktop credentials to access systems and deliver file-encrypting ransomware. This is not a novelty in the criminal ecosystem, in March experts discovered a ransomware dubbed Surprise that was […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 03, 2016
WhatsApp blocked for more than 100 million users due to a Judge’s order

A Brazilian judge ordered to block access to the WhatsApp messaging service for 72 hours, it is the second time in five months. Brazilian authorities ordered ISPs to block WhatsApp today in a dispute over access to encrypted data. The order to block the messaging service for 72 hours has been issued by a judge from the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 01, 2016
The dangerous interaction between Russian and Brazilian cyber criminal underground

Kaspersky has analyzed the interaction between the Russian and Brazilian criminal underground communities revealing a dangerous interaction. In the past weeks, we have analyzed the evolution of cyber criminal communities worldwide, focusing on illicit activities in the Deep Web. To simplify the approach we have considered the principal cyber criminal communities (Russia, Brazil, North America, Japan, China, Germany) as separated entities, instead, these ecosystems interact […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 09, 2016
Brazilian underground is the first in spreading cross-platform malware

Coder in the Brazilian Cyber Criminal underground are Pioneering Cross-platform malware relying on Java archive (JAR) Files. Recently security experts at PaloAlto Networks uncovered a new family of ransomware dubbed KeRanger that targets Mac OS X users, a circumstance that demonstrates that every OS is potentially at risk. Now researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered new families […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2016
Which are principal cybercriminal ecosystems in the Deep Web?

TrendMicro published an interesting analysis of the principal cyber criminal underground communities in the Deep Web worldwide. A new interesting report published by the experts at TrendMicro highlights the differences between the principal underground ecosystems worldwide. Thinking of a unique “global” underground ecosystem is an error, every community has its own characteristics, the criminal crews that […]