
Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2016
Canadian law enforcement obtained BlackBerry Global encryption Key

A report published by the VICE News confirmed that the Canadian law enforcement obtained the BlackBerry encryption Key under the investigation Op Clemenza. BlackBerry is probably the first mobile vendor that implemented end-to-end encryption to protect communications of its users. Now an embarrassing report published by Vice News revealed that BlackBerry has shared a master Key to […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 01, 2016
The dangerous interaction between Russian and Brazilian cyber criminal underground

Kaspersky has analyzed the interaction between the Russian and Brazilian criminal underground communities revealing a dangerous interaction. In the past weeks, we have analyzed the evolution of cyber criminal communities worldwide, focusing on illicit activities in the Deep Web. To simplify the approach we have considered the principal cyber criminal communities (Russia, Brazil, North America, Japan, China, Germany) as separated entities, instead, these ecosystems interact […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2016
Which are principal cybercriminal ecosystems in the Deep Web?

TrendMicro published an interesting analysis of the principal cyber criminal underground communities in the Deep Web worldwide. A new interesting report published by the experts at TrendMicro highlights the differences between the principal underground ecosystems worldwide. Thinking of a unique “global” underground ecosystem is an error, every community has its own characteristics, the criminal crews that […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 16, 2016
Canada – Military data found in hard drive at the recycling depot

A man has found a 30-gigabyte hard drive at a recycling depot in Halifax containing at least 10 GB Canadian military data. According to the Canadian CBC, a man named Pete Stevens has found a 30-gigabyte hard drive at a recycling depot in Halifax. The media support contains personal information including the names and numbers of defence […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 05, 2015
RCMP Cybercrime Strategy to fight online crimes

The RCMP Cybercrime Strategy aims to improve Canada’s national police force in its fight against the rising and evolving threat of cybercrime. Canadian Authorities consider online crimes serious threats to the Homeland security. Several times law enforcement tried to identify members of hacking crews like Anonymous, but in many cases the investigations haven’t obtained satisfactory […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2015
Slides reveal Canadian CSE secret hacking capabilities

The last collection of top-secret slides leaked by Snowden and disclosed by media agencies reveal the hacking capabilities and platforms of Canadian CSE. The last collection of top-secret documents leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, and published by The Intercept  and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,  leaked documents reveal the Canadians are a dab hand at cyber-stuff, […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2015
News Zeus shows significant a evolution in the criminal ecosystem

Researchers at SentinelOne have discovered a strain of the Zeus malware that includes a very sophisticated control panel and evasion techniques. Malware researchers at SentinelOne  have spotted a new Zeus variant that was used to target major Canadian banks, including the National Bank of Canada, the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank of Canada. […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2015
Snowden revealed intelligence activities of Canadians spies

New documents leaked by Edward Snowden revealed the monitoring activities run by the Canadian Intelligence agency, the Communications Security Establishment Edward Snowden seems to be a bottomless pit, month after month his revelations are shocking the IT security community. Surveillance, hacking, cyber espionage, these are the main activities carried out by the NSA and its […]