health care

Pierluigi Paganini January 09, 2025
U.S. Medical billing provider Medusind suffered a sata breach

Medusind, a medical billing provider, disclosed a data breach that occurred in December 2023 and affected over 360,000 individuals. Medusind is a company that provides medical billing, coding, and revenue cycle management (RCM) services to healthcare organizations, including medical practices, dental practices, and other providers. The company disclosed a data breach discovered on December 29, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 08, 2015
MEDIJACK – How cyber criminals violate health care systems

TrapX, a renowned security providing delivery of deception based cybersecurity  defense uncovered a security flaw in medical field dubbed as medical device hijack, or simply put MEDIJACk. The flaw can allow attackers to exploit main healthcare systems by breaking into the unpatched and outdated medical devices. Let it be Anthem hack or CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, this year has […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2015
Health records are the new goldmine for hackers

According to Top CSO news website, security experts predict that “Health records are worth more and easier to get than credit card data” The rise in health data breach headlines, may not necessarily suggest an increase in actual data breaches. It’s possible that organizations are just getting better at discovering that they’ve been breached, so […]