Threat actors have launched a phishing campaign targeting more than 125 TikTok ‘Influencer’ accounts in an attempt to hijack them. Researchers from Abnormal Security uncovered a phishing scam aimed at hijacking at least 125 TikTok ‘Influencer’ accounts. The original phishing email used a TikTok copyright violation notice lure, the messages instructed the victims responding to […]
Zoom has implemented two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect all user accounts against security breaches and other cyber attacks. Zoom has announced finally implemented the two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect all user accounts from unauthorized accesses. This is a great news due to the spike in the popularity of the communication software during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. […]
Authorities are investigating an American Express employee for unauthorized access to cardholder information and potentially abuse for fraud. Authorities launched a criminal investigation on an American Express employee that is suspected to accessed to cardholder information and potentially abused for fraud. Exposed information includes full name, physical and/or billing address, Social Security numbers, birth dates, […]
Hundreds of Instagram accounts were hijacked in what appears to be the result of a coordinated attack, all the accounts share common signs of compromise. Alleged attackers have hijacked Instagram accounts and modified personal information making impossible to restore the accounts. The number of Instagram accounts that was hacked has increased since the beginning of […]
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai published an interesting post on SIM hijacking highlighted the risks for the end users and their exposure to this illegal practice. In 2017, hackers stole some personal information belonging to T-Mobile customers by exploiting a well-known vulnerability. A video tutorial titled ‘T-Mobile Info Disclosure exploit’ showing how to use the flaw was also published […]
Buying or selling goods through online auctions is more popular than ever. Which are the best practices to follow for buyers and sellers for an online auction? Buying or selling goods through online auctions is more popular than ever. Today, there are a number of different auctions sites available where sellers can post new and […]
Cybercriminals are offering for sale infant fullz on the dark web, this is the first time that unscrupulous sellers offer this kind of merchandise on a black marketplace. Crooks are offering for sale Social Security numbers of babies on the dark web, the news was reported by the CNN. The news is disconcerting, this is the first time that unscrupulous […]
According to Google software engineer Grzegorz Milka, less than 10 percent of its users have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA) for their accounts. The availability of billions of credentials in the criminal underground due to the numerous massive data breaches occurred in the last years makes it easy for crooks to take over users’ accounts. We always […]
Facebook has fixed a couple of vulnerabilities that could have been exploited by attackers to hijack accounts by abusing integration with the Oculus virtual reality headset. In March 2014, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the acquisition of Oculus VR and included the handsets produced by the company to its bug bounty program. White hat hackers […]
A new Facebook security feature protects users from identity theft, the tech giant is taking note of every email it has “recently” sent to its users. Facebook has rolled out a new security feature to protect users from identity theft, the tech giant is taking note of every email it has “recently” sent to its users. […]