
Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2012
Japan institutions victim of cyber espionage, is it cyber warfare?

One of the biggest cyber threat is cyber espionage, it’s the sign of the technological era in which every devices surround has an intelligence component that could be exploited. Governments first, cyber criminal after, have discovered the great efficiency of malware used to steal sensible information to the victims, no matter if we are speaking […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 27, 2012
#opJapan, Anonymous against Japan and its war to piracy

A couple of days ago a read about a new amendment to copyright laws passed in Japan last week. The amendment recognizes as illegal downloads of pirated material establishing extremely severe penalties for the violators. The law comes into effect in October and it establishes that those people that download pirated material such as DVDs […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 02, 2012
Chinese hackers & Operation ‘Luckycat’ against Japan, Tibet and India

Recently experts monitored several targeted attacks against Tibetan activist organizations including the International Campaign for Tibet and the Central Tibet Administration. Researchers suspect the involvement of China and on groups of hackers sponsored by the Beijing government. In multiple cases, we have seen how the Chinese government promotes and supports from the economic point of view […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 28, 2012
Japan and the privacy contradictions

The massive use of new technologies has often raised thorny questions about the privacy of network users. The most difficult issue to resolve in the necessary to reach a compromise to assure the users requirements of security and privacy. The debate generates heated arguments, confusion and sometimes decisions in apparent contrast. In Japan, to the multinational […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2012
Japan under cyber attack. The cyber threat China

The events of recent days from the closure of the Megaupload web site to the heavy offensive of the Anonymous group have distracted media attention from important cyber operations, in my opinion of military matrix, against Japan. Last week several Cyber attacks have been conducted against Japan institutions and corporates, the National Security of Japan […]