
Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2013
RARSTONE, TrendMicro revealed Naikon cyberespionage campaign

RARSTONE is the name of the RAT (REMOTE ACCESS TOOL) used in a cyber espionage campaign dubbed “Naikon” uncovered by security experts at TrendMicro. Security experts at TrendMicro revealed to have detected the RARSTONE RAT studying targeted attacks across Asia (e.g. India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam) conducted against various companies belonging to different sectors such […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2013
Iranian Gmail accounts targeted by state-sponsored attack

Google revealed that tens of thousands of Gmail accounts belonging to Iranian users have been targeted by state-sponsored attacks. The Google company announced that tens of thousands of Gmail accounts of Iranian users have been targeted hacked. The attacks seem to be organized by a group of state sponsored hackers few days before presidential elections. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2013
US Cloud hosting providers targeted by cybercriminals

US Cloud hosting providers are chosen with increasing frequency as privileged targets of cybercrime, these platforms are ideal for the launch of cyber attacks financially motivated. Cloud hosting providers are becoming privileged targets of cybercrime, two malware researchers revealed in fact the number of cyber attacks financially motivated against those platforms is increasing. Mary Landesman, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 13, 2013
The business behind a hacked email account

Which is the commercial value of a hacked email account in the underground? How cybercriminals use a compromised email account? Why do they have to hit me? Which is the commercial value of a hacked email account in the underground? Brian Krebs has recently published a valuable post on commercial value for a hacked email account, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 07, 2013
Facebook Zeus malware targeting bank accounts

Principal security firms detected a new variant of Facebook Zeus malware that is exploiting the popular social network to target user’s bank accounts. A Facebook Zeus malware variant (aka ZeuS/ZBOT) has been detected by principal security firms confirming the longevity of malicious code and the ability of cybercrime to customize it according to its needs. Symantec […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 25, 2013
Microsoft could intercept Skype conversation, is it true?

German researchers revealed that Microsoft is able to intercept Skype conversation for security reason. Which are risks to the users’ privacy? Microsoft intercept Skype conversations, the topic is at the center of a heated discussion. Before Microsoft acquisition the popular VOIP application was considered very secure and wiretap-proof, it was officially recognized that was impossible […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 16, 2013
Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, the monopoly of Android malware

F-Secure published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013 that reveals Malware targeting Android devices is rapidly growing in both the number of variants detected and in their complexity and sophistication. F-Secure has published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, an interesting document that the security firm periodically issues giving information on the evolution […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 30, 2013
APWG Global Phishing Survey report revealed new scaring trends

APWG issued the new edition of its APWG Global Phishing Survey report that identifies trends and their significance by quantifying the scope of the global phishing problem. The APWG Global Phishing Survey report analyzes phishing attacks detected in the second H2 2012, the overall data for the study was collected by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, and supplemented with […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2013
In the mind of cybercriminals – The Boston Marathon attack

To fight the cybercrime we must start thinking like criminals, they are people motivated solely by money and the need to monetize every operation. I wrote, like many other colleagues, various articles on phishing attacks and their potential effects, of course the success of this attack is based on the capacity of attackers to deceive […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2013
DHS alerted energy companies on ongoing spear-phishing campaign

Cyber espionage is considerable as  one of the most aggressive and dangerous cyber threats, its silent operation could steal sensitive information, company secrets and intellectual properties for a long time. Recently many cyber espionage campaigns have been discovered, last in order of time is the Winnti campaign but we cannot forted also Red October and […]