Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini October 25, 2017
Offshore Legal Firm Appleby Hacked, financial details of rich clients is set to be released

The Financial details of some of the world’s richest people are set to be published after the Offshore Legal Firm Appleby suffered a data security incident. A new financial data leak made the headlines, financial details of clients of an offshore a legal firm is set to be published. The news was reported on Wednesday by a British newspaper, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2017
Bad Rabbit ransomware rapidly spreads, Ukraine and Russia most targeted countries

A new strain of malware dubbed Bad Rabbit ransomware has been found rapidly spreading in Russia, Ukraine and elsewhere. A new massive ransomware campaign is rapidly spreading around Europe, the malware dubbed Bad Rabbit has already affected over 200 major organizations mainly in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Japan, and Turkey in a few hours. The Bad Rabbit ransomware has infected […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2017
Whole Foods Market confirms that nearly 100 locations were affected by card breach

According to the Whole Foods Market, crooks may have stolen payment cards at taprooms and full table-service restaurants at nearly 100 locations. At the end of September, the Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market notified customers a security breach. According to the security breach notification issued by the company, cybercriminals were able to gain unauthorized access to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 21, 2017
Proton malware spreading through supply-chain attack, victims should wipe their Macs

The dreaded Proton malware was spreading through a new supply-chain attack that involved the Elmedia apps, victims should wipe their Macs Bad news for Mac users, a new malware is threatening them of a complete system wipe and reinstall. Crooks are distributing the malware in legitimate applications, the popular Elmedia Player and download manager Folx developed by […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 20, 2017
URSNIF spam campaign expose new macro evasion tactics

Trend Micro recently observed a new campaign leveraging the Ursnif banking Trojan using new malicious macro tactics payload delivery and evade detection. Researchers at Trend Micro have recently spotted a new campaign leveraging the Ursnif banking Trojan featuring new malicious macro tactics for payload delivery. Malicious macros are widely adopted by crooks for malware distribution, usually, they […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 19, 2017
Threat actors started scanning for SSH Keys on websites

Threat actors in the wild are mass-scanning websites for directories containing SSH private keys to hack them. The SSH allows a secure way to connect to servers hosting the websites, it allows administrators to get a terminal on them and enter commands. The SSH authentication could rely on login credentials (username and password), or on a […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2017
The Necurs botnet is back spreading a downloader with new interesting features

The Necurs botnet is spreading a new downloader that takes screenshots of the victims’ desktops and Runtime Errors back to the operators. The Necurs botnet is back once again, the dreaded botnet was spreading a downloader that takes screenshots of the victims’ desktops and Runtime Errors back to the attackers. “Recently we have seen a resurgence of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2017
CUTLET MAKER ATM malware offered for 5000 USD on darknet forum

Hacking ATM could be very easy thanks to the availability of the CUTLET MAKER ATM malware on an underground hacking forum. Wannabe crooks can buy an ATM malware on a Darknet market for around $5000, the discovery was made by researchers at Kaspersky Lab that noticed a forum post advertising the malicious code dubbed Cutlet Maker. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 17, 2017
Even With The Best Email Spoofing Defences in The World, HMRC is Spoofed

Even with the most advanced email protections in place and an entire government organization to support them, the bad actors were able to spoof Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) emails to spread a Java-based remote administration tool to unsuspecting UK recipients. In September 2017, Trustwave identified a scam campaign that pretended to come from HMRC. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2017
Pizza Hut notifies card breach while users have already reported fraudulent transactions

Pizza Hut U.S. notified customers over the weekend a “temporary security intrusion” on that exposed payment card and contact information. Pizza Hut U.S. notified customers over the weekend a “temporary security intrusion” on, the security breach might have exposed payment card and contact information. The popular restaurant chain notified users via email, according to Pizza […]