Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
Chinese Hackers Comment Crew stole plans of Iron Dome Defense System

CyberESI firm revealed that Chinese hackers members of the Comment Crew group violated the corporate networks of top Israeli defense companies. Once again a news refers of Chinese hackers, alleged members of the Comment Crew group, who have conducted a cyber espionage campaign. This time is has been reported that the attackers violated the databases of three […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
Misusing Digital Certificates

Excerpt from the post “How Cybercrime Exploits Digital Certificates” which details means and motivation of illicit activities which abuses digital certificates. Digital certificates have been misused many times during recent years. Bad actors abused them to conduct cyber attacks against private entities, individuals and government organizations. The principal abuses of digital certificates observed by security […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2014
Kaspersky uncovered the complex infrastructure of Koler ransomware

Researchers at Kaspersky Lab issued a report on the Koler ransomware, which is targeting both Android devices and desktop browsers. Experts at Kaspersky Lab published a report titled “Koler—The Police Ransomware for Android” that examines how bad actors behind the Reveton campaign have operated, Koler ransomware recently targeted Android users. The report on the Koler malware is more […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2014
Hackers exploit cloud services to build Money-Mining Botnet

Two security experts will present at the next BlackHat conference how to exploit cloud services to build Money-Mining Botnet. Cloud computing is becoming the paradigm most abused by cybercrime, cloud architectures represent privileged targets of cyber criminals that desire to steal data they contain or to abuse their resources to conduct cyber attacks. Two researchers, Rob […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2014
Nigeria 419 scam targeting business world with RATs

Experts at Palo Alto Networks uncovered a new Nigeria 419 scam scheme which is targeting businesses in a malicous campaign dubbed Silver Spaniel. The Nigeria 419 schema adopted by criminal gangs world wide has been improved by scammers which are also including the use of remote access trojans (RATs). A report published by the Palo […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2014
European Central Bank victim of an attempt of cyber extortion

Hackers steal user contact information and other data from a database of the European Central Bank website in an attempt of extortion. Financial institutions are under attack, the number of cyber attacks against banking industry is increasing constantly, last malicious campaign discovered in order of time is the Operation Emmental. A few days ago, bad […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2014
Fake Googlebots used to run application-layer DDoS

Security experts at Incapsula are observing a surge in the used of fake Googlebots to launch and carry out application-layer DDoS. Googlebots crawl websites are the software used to index and rank the content of websites for the popular search engine. It’s not a mystery that the visits of Googlebots are not considered a possible indicator […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 23, 2014
Operation Emmental, a sophisticated campaign which is targeting banking industry

Trend Micro has discovered a malicious campaign named Operation Emmental, which is targeting online banking systems of financial institutions worldwide. Trend Micro has published a report on a hacking campaign dubbed “Operation Emmental” which targeted Swiss bank accounts whit a multi-faceted attack that is able to bypass two factor authentication implemented by the organization to secure its customers. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2014
Gyges, the mixing of commercial malware with cyber weapon code

Sentinel Labs firm discovered a sophisticated malware dubbed Gyges that is the mixing of commercial malicious code with code of alleged cyber weapon. Experts at Sentinel Labs security firm have discovered Gyges malware in the wild in March 2014, the malicious code appears very sophisticated to the researches which attributed it to a state-sponsored project. The level of complexity […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2014
Cybercrime exploits the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

Security experts at TrendMicro have detected a spam campaign via Twitter which exploits the incident occurred to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. Unfortunately, tragedies like the one occurred to the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 or the recent escalation in Gaza are excellent occasions for cyber criminals that try to exploit the public attention to carry out illegal activities. […]