Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2013
Operation Hangover, the Indian Cyberattack Infrastructure

Operation Hangover is the title of a report published by Norman Shark that details a sophisticated cyberattack infrastructure that appears to originate from India, conducted by private threat actors with no evidence of state-sponsorship. Operation Hangover, this is the name assigned by Norman Shark’s security analyst team to an interesting report revealing a large and sophisticated cyber-attack […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2013
WSIS Forum 2013 – Securing Cyberspace in a borderless world

“Securing Cyberspace in a borderless world: Vision 2015 and Beyond” is the title of a High Level Dialogue that was held during The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) 2013. The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) represents the world’s largest annual gathering of the ICT for development  community, the event is organized […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2013
Yahoo Japan suspects 22 million user IDs stolen

Yahoo Japan Corp is investigating on a possible data breach that may have exposed 22 million user IDs stolen during an unauthorized access to web portal. Yahoo Japan Corp is investigating on a possible data breach that exposed the user IDs of 22 million accounts, another shocking event that raise the necessity to improve security […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 17, 2013
Group-IB Exclusive details on Kangoo botnet that hit Australian banks

Group-IB researchers have detected a new botnet named Kangoo that infected more than 150 000 machines mainly targeting Australian banks. Group-IB researchers have detected a new botnet named Kangoo that infected more than 150 000 machines, specialists dubbed it «Kangoo» due the presence of  a kangaroo logo on the WEB-interface of the C&C administrative panel. The botnet mainly […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 14, 2013
New trends in the underground market, the offer of cybercrime

The monitoring of the criminal underground is essential to understand the dynamics of cybercrime and related offer on the black market. At fixed intervals I decided to take a look at what is happening in the underground black market analyzing how evolves its offer and the related sales models. In the last months it has been […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 11, 2013
Bank robbery. Global Network of cyber criminals stole $45m from ATMs

The biggest Bank robbery realized by a gang of hackers, a global network of cyber criminals operating in 26 countries stole $45 million hacking into a database of prepaid debit cards. The news on the biggest bank robbery with a cyber attack against ATMs in the history is conquering the Network, US law enforcement has […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 08, 2013
OpUSA, Anonymous against US Banking and Government offices

OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7 as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack will hit Banking and government websites. OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7th as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack against will hit banking and government websites. The announcement made by popular group of hacktivists is creating great […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 07, 2013
Hacking with new DIY Google Dorks based hacking tool

A new version of DIY Google Dorks based hacking tool has been released, it is an extremely useful tool for reconnaissance of targets. A Webroot blog post announced that a new version of DIY Google Dorks based hacking tool has been released in the wild and it could be used for mass website analysis, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2013
APWG Mobile Financial Fraud report & mobile black market

APWG published the interesting study APWG Mobile Financial Fraud report on the underground marketplace that revealed the explosion of prolific mobile fraud malware market. The APWG Mobile Financial Fraud report resumed The Anti-Phishing Mobile Working Group investigating on the expansion of the black market for mobile malicious code, the study is crucial to understand the evolution of criminal activities […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2013
DDoS – Evolution of DIY tools in the underground

When the DDoS topic is introduced it’s immediate to link it with the most popular tools usable for this type of attacks, but underground offers much more. When the DDoS topic is introduced it’s immediate to link it with the most popular tools usable for this type of attacks such as the popular LOIC, we must consider that underground offer […]