Just yesterday I completed a lengthy article regarding several aspects of cybercrime and their impact on private and military sectors. In a section of the article describing among other factors the impact of the phenomenon hacktivism far from negligible.  According the study “Data Breach Investigations Report” published by Verizon hacktivists stole almost twice as many records of […]
It has repeatedly reiterated the need for a cyber strategy to reduce risks related to cyber threats from various sources, military, cyber crime or hacktivism. Cyber ââthreats expose our intelligence agencies, our critical infrastructures and our companies to significant risks causing untold perfidious finance. In the area of ââcyber warfare governments have made considerable strides, gained awareness of the […]
In this first couple of months of 2012 we have assisted to an escalation of cyber attacks made by  groups of hacktivist, first Anonymous, that have hit main institutions and agencies all over the world. The modus operandi of the group is now well known, attacks that have crippled many victims were mainly of DDoS type, in this way […]
The continued technology push that is shaping our society during the last decade has brought an exponential increase in computer crimes,  every technology innovation has in fact represented an opportunity for industry of crimeto make profitable frauds and business. The cyber crime has many facets, cybercrime fact manifests itself in countless forms and contextualized in relation […]
Symantec company recently has disclosed the news that the collective Anonymous has deceived his supporters favoring the spread and installing of Zeus malware on their machines. The charge is heavy and would undermine the trust that underpins the recruitment methods of the collective, it seems that all supporters who have participated to various Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) […]
Everything started last week when has been announced that a laptop stolen from NASA during last year contained command codes used to control the International Space Station. The news is sensations as worrying, is it possible to store so sensible information without using any precaution like disk encryption. Are we discussing about an isolated case […]
We live in economically tumultuous days and even more in the cyberspace. Not a day goes by that you do not observe a striking hack, yet another multinational ridiculed and made bare and vulnerable to human eyes. It’s happened with Sony, with RSA with Stratfor, clay giants collapsed at the hands of groups of hactivists, a […]
Where can I find money? At the bank of course, this is the thought which underlies dell’orietamento of cyber crime that seems to have targeted the banking industry and its services. The event is not new but the intensification of efforts in this area is troubling . The banking sector is considered a strategic sector […]
The nightmare of every Internet Service Provider has materialized in The Netherlands where KPN company, one of the main ISPs, has stopped to provide any email services after that a group of hackers has published the credentials of more than 500 customers on the internet. Once again to be discussed is the incident management and […]
Just this morning I wrote in my article the ability of the Anonymous group that stands out in my assessment for the effectiveness of its operations. I tried to analyze the phenomenon, and I noticed that many colleagues tend to approach hacktivists ideology as a student movement, disorganized, and that can only be due to […]