Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini August 11, 2013
DNS impairment redirects thousands of websites to malware

Cybercriminals are exploiting the possibility of DNS impairment to redirects visitors of thousands legitimate websites to compromised domains used to serve malware. DNS impairment or rather compromising DNS to distribute malicious code, cyber criminals are very attracted by the possibility to use DNS servers to redirect users that trying to visit a legitimate domain are hijacked […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 09, 2013
Fort Disco botnet compromised more than 6000 websites

Researchers at Arbor Networks discovered a botnet called Fort Disco that was used to compromise more than 6000 websites based on popular CMSs. A botnet called Fort Disco was used to compromised more than 6000 websites based on  popular content management systems such as Joomla, WordPress and Datalife Engine. The Fort Disco botnet is currently made […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 06, 2013
Firefox Zero-day exploited against Tor anonymity

Security researchers found a malicious script that takes advantage of a Firefox Zero-day to identify some users of the Tor anonymity network. My readers know very well Tor network and the capability of the system to remain anonymous under specific conditions. We have used terms such as Deep Web, Dark web and hidden web to remark […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 05, 2013
FBI Android malware used for investigations

Former FBI officers revealed to the Wall Street Journal the existence of FBI Android malware that is used to spy on suspects for investigations. The FBI is using mobile Android malware to spy on suspects for its investigations, the news is not surprising but is the confirmation that law enforcement are exploiting new technologies for […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 31, 2013
Q2 2013 Superfecta report, constant increase for automated attacks

FireHost Secure cloud hosting company issued Q2 2013 Superfecta report that revealed a sharp increase in blended, automated attacks. FireHost announced the Q2 2013 Superfecta report, an interesting set of statistic related to attacks against web applications. The Superfecta is a group of four attack types considered by the FireHost Secure cloud hosting company as being the most […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2013
Uncovered an unusual attacks based on anomalous file infector

Security experts uncovered an unusual cyber espionage campaign based on file infector belonging to the PE_EXPIRO family that includes information theft module Security experts at TrendMicro uncovered an unusual espionage campaign that hit United States users based  on malware having file infector with stealing capabilities. The attackers acted with specific intent to steal information from organizations or […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 19, 2013
Brute-forcing applications spotted in the wild … pros and cons

Brute forcing applications spotted in the wild demonstrates the continual interest of cybercrime … What is the limitations of this attack technique? Cybercrime industry has a fervent creativity and  new products are daily offered in the underground. I desire to close this week with a look to the offer on the black market speaking of brute-forcing applications […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 18, 2013
“Cyber-crime, securities markets and systemic risk” study released

“Cyber-crime, securities markets and systemic risk” is the study issued by IOSCO and WFE that discussed systemic impact by cybercrime on securities markets “Cyber-crime, securities markets and systemic risk” is the title of a paper issued by The International Organization of Security Commissions (IOSCO), a leading policy forum for securities regulators, and the World Federation […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 14, 2013
Cybercriminals Leveraging Facebook Report

Cybercriminals Leveraging Facebook is the title of  a research that provided evidence that criminal organizations are exploiting Facebook for illegal activities. Cybercriminals Leveraging Facebook, this is the title of an interesting research conducted by Eric Feinberg, Ian Malloy and Frank Angiolelli that provided evidence of the existence of highly organized criminal networks that are exploiting the popular social network for […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2013
Gaming platforms under attack – Nintendo and Ubisoft hacks

The number of attacks against gaming platforms is constantly increasing, the recent data breach occurred to Nintendo and Ubisoft are just the tip of the iceberg. Gaming platforms are considerable privileged targets for cybercriminals but also for state-sponsored hackers. The first group of attackers is mainly attracted by possibility to steal sensitive information, in many […]