A report titled âResilient Military Systems and the Advanced Cyber Threatâ written  by Defense Science Board (DSB), a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense, presented alarming scenarios on US nationâs military considered unprepared for a full-scale cyber-conflict. The 138-page report alerts Pentagon on the necessity to improve cyber […]
The new is very curious and represents the demonstration that cyber threats could not be analyzed separately, security need a global approach, we cannot distinguish between cybercrime and cyber warfare but we must be focused on the cyber menaces, their effects and the risks connected to adoption of not appropriate security measures. The case is […]
Early this month it was spread the news regarding a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign against principal media agencies in the US, included NYT and Washington Post, the hackers have tried to compromise the email account of journalists to steal sensitive information. The campaign appeared very aggressive, the hackers have tried to infiltrate the network of […]
In this days it is circulating persistently the news that The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection act (CISPA) will be reintroduced by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) before the US House next week. The controversial cyber bill raised an heated debate, the act will force any company to […]
During the last days worldwide internet community expressed great concern on the possibility of a reintroduction of The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection act (CISPA)Â before the US House by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.). The controversial cyber bill raised an heated debate, supporters believe it […]
Cyberspace is abuzz with activity. Governments are secretly conducting cyber operations. Everyday, we read about malicous code used to steal information; or about cyber attacks that target critical infrastructure. The principal question raised by these fervent activities are rules of engagement and proportionality of defense – the operative limit of country that discovers an attack […]
Every government conscious of strategic importance of cyber security and of the investments of other countries in cyber warfare capability is improving its effort. Last week I wrote about Russian government and the Putin’s request to reinforce the garrison of the fifth domain, the cyber space, through a series of investment to secure national critical infrastructures […]
Protect the country, population and assets from cyber threats, this is a must for every government, a challenge for  every state, new processes, large investment and innovative researches are the topics most debated in this period. Yesterday I wrote about the Russian government and its commitment to strengthen cyber defense, today I desire to introduce […]
Today on Atlantic Council web site it has been published an excerpts from remarks by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta at King’s College in London that remarks the inadequacy of NATO networks to reject cyber threats, according the officials the situation appears really critic in both private and public sectors, and it is very concerning also […]
In the last months I had the opportunity many times to read about the possible use, in cyber warfare context, Â of electromagnetic waves to interfere with defense systems of the adversaries. I wrote about a project dubbed CHAMP Â (Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project) related to the use of microwaves to permanently knock out computers […]