Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini January 18, 2013
Cyber warfare between Koreas, a warning for any cyber power

Earlier this month is has been spread the news that South Korea is investing to improve the cyber capabilities of the country recruiting and training hackers to involve in the cyber defense due the increasing number of attacks suffered. A cyber attack hit recently the presidential transition team, in particular the press rooms server, but […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 17, 2013
Red October, RBN and too many questions still unresolved

The recently discovered cyber espionage campaign “Red October” has shocked world wide security community, the principal questions raised are: Who is behind the attacks? How is possible that for so long time the campaign went undetected? Which is the role of AV company in these operations? To try to understand who is behind the attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 15, 2013
Kaspersky Lab discovered the cyber espionage campaign “Red October”

Last October Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research & Analysis Team started a new investigation after several attacks hit computer networks of various international diplomatic service agencies. The attacks appeared very suspect, a new large scale cyber-espionage operation has been discovered, the operation is dubbed «Red October», a name inspired by famous novel «The Hunt For The Red […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 12, 2013
New security problem for Oracle Java software

The year is start way for Oracle Java platform, a new Java 0-day vulnerability has been discovered and worldwide security community is very concerned on the potential effect of the bug. We have discovered how much dangerous could be the exploit of a zero-day vulnerability especially against institutional targets and governments (e.g. Elderwood project), state-sponsored hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 05, 2013
Confidential documents from Japanese politics stolen by malware

Last December Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency was hit again by malware  that stolen secret information on newest rockets from an internal computer, it was not first time for the Japanese agency that was already victim of a cyber attack having same purpose, cyber espionage to obtain information on another technological advanced project related to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2013
DARPA HACMS program for a software without pervasive vulnerabilities

Technology in modern warfare has assumed a crucial role, every government is developing new cyber capabilities to be able to contrast and prevent cyber threats the fifth domain of warfare, the cyberspace. Today the concept of warfare is profoundly changed, many states choose to attack foreign governments exploring new technological options, from state-sponsored cyber attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2012
Cyberespionage, another watering hole attack against US website

It’s Christmas time everywhere but cyberspace there isn’t holiday time for governments, last week a new cyber espionage attack has been detected, the website for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was compromised. The CFR is a strategic target for espionage, it is one of the most elite foreign policy organizations in the United States with a […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 30, 2012
Hacktivism and web monitoring in 2013 for Security Affairs

The year is ending and it’s very easy to read forecast for next year, experts are sure that we will assist to a sensible increase of state-sponsored attacks and to the raise of sophisticated malware, both cyber threats will exploit large scale channels such as mobile and social networks. The majority of forecast are focused […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 28, 2012
DoJ wants to indict state-sponsored hackers. What is the real purpose?

The last couple of years has been characterized by the raise of state-sponsored cyber attacks, governments have increased cyber capabilities to defend their critical infrastructures from offensive originated in the cyberspace but they also improved tactics to offend and spy on foreign government networks. Governments and private business of countries such as US, Japan and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2012
Perfect Citizen, US vulnerability assessment program on critical infrastructures

CNET web site has published a news on a secret National Security Agency program named Perfect Citizen that is targeting on large-scale the control systems inside utilities, including power grid and gas pipeline controllers, with the purpose to discover security vulnerabilities. The program was revealed by new documents from EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the […]