Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini August 10, 2012
Gauss, evidence of ongoing cyber-war and cyber espionage campaigns

As expected a new malware for purposes of cyber espionage was once again identified by the Team of Kaspersky Lab. After Duqu, Flame and Mahdi a new cyber-espionage toolkit has been detected in the same region, the Middle East, and like its predecessor is capable of stealing sensitive data such as online banking credentials, browser passwords and […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 02, 2012
Malware & cyber espionage, ongoing attacks on sensitive information

Malware once were used primarily to destroy the victim’s PC, but the scenario has completely changed today. While surviving the need of wanting to harm with malicious software, for example in the development of cyber weapons, the current trend is to develop agents that serve primarily to the function of spying. Cybercrime, governments, and groups […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2012
South Korea, another data breach. How is changing the hacking world?

Browsing the internet is easy to find information regarding date breach by hackers against large companies that fail to protect their facilities exposing the information of their customers and employees. Yesterday Anonymous group has released more than 400K record of the Australian AAPT company stolen during a recent attack, meanwhile this morning I read about […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 26, 2012
New Madi instance and “AC/DC” virus, Middle East as shooting range

The Middle East has always been considered an area of the planet’s turbulent for the continuing conflict and political tensions among the states that inhabit it. In the last two years, the tensions seem to have intensified and with it has grown the diffusion of malware for cyber espionage and for offensive purposes. In the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 20, 2012
DDoS attacks in Q2, do not underestimate the cyber threat

In the first quarter I proposed the results of an analysis conducted by Prolexic firm on the incidence of DDoS attacks. A DDoS attack represents a nightmare for all those all companies that provide web services that could be blocked by similar offensive, let’s imagine the effect of a DDoS against a financial institution or […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 19, 2012
UK cyber strategy discussed in ISC report 2011/2012

The elaboration of a proper cyber strategy is one the main target of intelligence services all around the world. We often discuss of US and Israel, but also European governments are pushing to reinforce their presence in the cyber space. The fear of cyber attacks against critical infrastructures is high, it is a common strategy […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 16, 2012
Government cyber strategies to mitigate growing cyber threats

In the last decade we have observed the raise of cyber attacks, no matter their purpose, cyber warfare or cyber espionage for military or private business, they have demonstrated how much dangerous is a cyber offensive. The U.S.’s leading cyberwarrior has estimated that private businesses are losing hundreds of billions to cyber espionage and cybercrimes, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 15, 2012
Cyber security at large sporting events

Article published on The Malta Indipendent by Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, David Pace The London 2012 Olympics will bring together 10,500 athletes, diplomats, politicians, business leaders and millions of spectators from all over the world. Behind the scenes there is an immense effort being made to ensure the security and well-being of everyone participating, in any […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 14, 2012
The importance of security requirements in design of SCADA systems

Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 06 2012 The article exposes the main issues related to the use of SCADA systems in critical infrastructures, providing a careful analysis of the relative level of security on a global scale. It discusses the main vulnerabilities of critical systems exploitable by cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 08, 2012
ICS-CERT report, a worrying increase of cyber attacks

It’s been long debated the need to protect critical infrastructures from cyber attacks, cyber threats could hit foreign countries causing loss of human lives identically to a conventional attack. Don’t forget that similar attacks con be organized by state-sponsored hackers or cyber criminals with the different purposes, target destroying or cyber espionage. Emergency Response Teams […]