In May Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination CenterLab, Â CrySyS Lab and Kaspersky Lab have published a news regarding a new malware that has been detected and that have hit mainly Windows systems of Middle East area, specifically the Iran. The malware was evidence of a huge ongoing cyber espionage campaign, the level of complexity […]
The defense of cyberspace is becoming one the most concerning question to approach, governments all around the world are massively investing in cyber technology with the resultants that the number of cyber operations is increasing exponentially. William J. Lynn, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, states that: “as a doctrinal matter, the Pentagon has formally recognized cyberspace as a […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine â September Edition âSecurity in a serious wayâ Introduction The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines, according a raw estimation of some security experts clear web represents only a small portion of the […]
The malware diffusion is assuming dimension difficult to control, no matter if we are facing with a state-sponsored attack or with a cyber scam, malicious agents are around us, they have infected a huge quantity of machines with dramatic consequences. But what’s happen if we discover the malware inside the controller of ordinary object that […]
Today I desire to discuss on the real effect of a cyber attack, we have recently introduced the direct and indirect effects of the several cyber espionage campaigns discovered such as Flame and Gauss, but we never approached the problem in future projection examining the possible impacts of an incident many years after it. Symantec […]
The cyberspace is becoming a jungle of malware, a place where the danger is just around the corner. Governments, cyber criminals, hacktivist and terrorist are focusing their activities in the new domain due this reason we are assisting to the born of new agents and very sophisticated attack tools. In a parallel manner is lowering […]
During last April many press agencies and security firms published a story related to the detection of a new malware, named Wiper that attacked computers at businesses throughout Iran. Kaspersky Lab and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) investigated on the event trying to isolate the malware and analyze it. During the investigation the team of […]
The U.S. are one of the most advanced country under cyber warfare perspective, we have read a lot on its capabilities and its offensive power, to remark some sample we can remind the plan-X project and the development of the cyber weapon Stuxnet. We all imagine that the U.S. are still really active in the […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine â August Edition âBotnetâ Introduction The nightmare of millions of infected computers synchronized to conduct an attack on specific target finds materialization in the concept of botnet. In the classic architecture each machine, named bot, executes orders sent by a master unit called bootmaster, which can instruct the various […]
We have long discussed the possibility of an Israeli attack against Iran, security experts have long sought leave signs that presage an imminent attack trying to figure out how I can take it. We all know about the potential of Israeli military, a war machine that could scare the big of the planet and that […]