The future is now, I’ve often spoken about the enormous potentiality of gaming platforms and of the capabilities of young players, months ago I introduced a US project to develop an application to spy on gaming console all over the world gathering precious information on their owners. The control of a gaming console could be […]
After much work during the last months I’m proud and happpy to announce the publishing of The Deep Dark Web book. It is AVAILABLE @Amazon website PAPER BOOK It is AVAILABLE @Amazon website KINDLE It is AVAILABLE @SmashWords website It is AVAILABLE @Barnes & Noble website and we have uploaded it also to Amazon […]
Without doubts the man that has attracted the media attention in the cyber warfare scenario is Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in my opinion one of the officers most farsighted and prepared on the politicians. Panetta has alerted US government on the high risks of cyber attacks against U.S. critical infrastructures and network, the opponents are […]
Article published on The Malta Indipendent on October 7th 2012 Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins Bank (in)Security:   Between the 1880s and the 1930s, physical bank burglaries were a substantial problem.  To counter these threats bank’s employed vaults to protect their contents from theft, unauthorised use, fire, natural disasters, and other […]
High tension in the cyberspace, recently a series of attacks have hit oil companies and also banking and Iran was blamed for most of them. This time the scenario appears overturned, according a news published few hours ago a huge cyber attack have targeted Iranian infrastructure and communications companies, causing serious damages to Internet connection. […]
It’s happened again, cyber criminals have stolen digital certificates related to companies recognized reliable to sign malicious code. This time the victim is Adobe and according its security chief, Brad Arkin, a group of hackers have signed malware using Adobe digital certificate obtained compromising a vulnerable build server that was used to get code validation […]
Last Wednesday the web site of U.S. Bank has been hit by a DDoS attack, that caused its block, launched by a group of Islamic hacktivists who have claimed responsibility for event. The web site remained down for an hour, starting at around 3:30 Pacific, due the impossibility to serve the huge quantity of requests. […]
Article published on Hakin9 IT Security Magazine “Raspberry Pi Hacking â Exploiting Software” 08/12 The article proposes an analysis of the main cyber threats that worry security experts and that are profoundly changing the cyber space. The exponential growth of the number of cyber threats and attacks is rebutted by a wide range of statistical […]
In these days it has been discussed about a possible Iranian cyber offensive against US banks immediately denied by government of Teheran, the event raised the discussion on the real level of security of banking systems. Financial institutions are considerable privileged targets for a cyber attacks, banking system is a critical asset for a nation […]
The tensions between Iran and Western countries are always in the principal news, the fear for an imminent Israel attack raises many questions regarding the real level of military preparedness of the regime. Many experts have tried to analyzed a possible scenario of the attack, in which the cyber component could assume a strategic importance. […]