Security experts at BitDefender demonstrated how is possible to access data exchanged between a smartwatch and a smartphone via Bluetooth. The paradigm of Internet of Things is influencing modern society and the way it approaches the technology in everyday life. An impressive amount of Intelligent devices surround us, but often we ignore the repercussion in term of security and privacy. […]
Security experts at Kaspersky Lab have detected the first strain of Turla malware that was designed to infect Linux system and so called Penquin Turla. Security Experts at Kaspersky have discovered a new variant of Turla malware which was designed to hit Linux systems and for this reason, it was called the Penquin Turla. The investigation […]
The Intercept revealed the Op AURORAGOLD run by the NSA to spy on hundreds of companies and organizations to hack cellphone networks worldwide. The Intercept has uncovered details of the operation AURORAGOLD, another massive surveillance program operated by the US Intelligence . The new program is ambitious, the NSA has developed AURORAGOLD with the intent to spy on every cellphone network in […]
Security firm Cylance revealed that Iranian hackers target airlines, energy, defense companies worldwide as part of the Operation Cleaver campaign. Security firm Cylance released a detailed report on the hacking Operation Cleaver that was run by state-sponsored hackers linked to the Iran. The Iranian hackers targeted critical infrastructure worldwide, ten of which are located in the United States. Experts at Cylance are cautions […]
The popular cyber security expert Raoul Chiesa commented the hypothesis that backdoor Regin is a product of organized cybercrime. Excerpt from a detailed analysis published on the Infosec Institute In this phase it is quite impossible to attribute precisely the development of the Regin malware to a specific category of threat actors. Until now we […]
FireEye discovered that the Group of hackers dubbed APT3 that managed the Op Clandestine Fox is now running a new campaign dubbed Operation Double Tap. Researchers at FireEye have uncovered a new advanced persistent threat crew dubbed APT3, which is using exploits targeting recently disclosed vulnerabilities in Windows. The experts at FireEye believe that APT3 is the same […]
Security experts at Kaspersky Lab issued a detailed paper on the analysis of the backdoor Regin focusing on the attacker’s activity against the GSM networks. The day after the disclosure of the Regin Backdoor by Symantec, which provided the details the new sophisticated cyber espionage tool,the principal security firms published the results of their investigation. As […]
Ecuadorean President Correa has publicly denounced the US Intelligence continuous cyber attacks against his private internet accounts and computers. Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has publicly denounced the US Intelligence of “systematic, high-tech” cyber attacks on his private internet accounts and computers. The President Rafael Correa also revealed that the last attack occurred on Thursday, November 20th, was […]
New documents leaked by Snowden reveal the crucial role of a Vodafone-owned company in wiretapping of undersea cables for massive surveillance. According to several secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden US and British Intelligence wiretap undersea cables used by telecommunication companies as part of their mass surveillance programs. In June, Snowden released documents that were published by The Register and that reveal the existence of a secret […]
Speaking before the House Armed Services Committee the US Defense is worried by the capabilities of the ISIS members for keeping their communications covert. Last week American officials had yet another meeting to discuss about the difficulties to track the ISIS militants, emblematic is the case of the alleged death of its leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi disproved by […]