Researchers at MalwareMustDie group have discovered a KINS Malware builder leaked online, it is easy to predict a rapid diffusion of the banking trojan. Security experts at the MalwareMustDie revealed that the source code of the popular KINS malware was leaked online. Early 2013, experts at RSA discovered traces the banking trojan named KINS by analyzing the offer for […]
A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. US Healthcare companies are the most targeted by Stegoloader Popular travel websites warn Customers of Phishing scam Ransomware slinging exploit kit targets Flash remote code execution Experts found Government […]
Trend Micro has identified Lordfenix, a student that created more than 100 different banking Trojans and other malicious tools, since April 2013. Security experts at Trend Micro have identified a 20-year-old Brazilian student which has developed and distributed more than 100 Banking malware. The young cyber criminal, which used the pseudonym of ‘Lordfenix’, ‘Hacker’s Son’ and […]
Security researcher discovered a strain of the Kovter trojan that has been updating  Flash Player and Internet Explorer to prevent further infections. The French security expert Kafeine have discovered a new strain of the Kovter malware noticing that the instance of the malicious code he was analyzing was attempting to download the latest version of the Flash […]
Every 18 seconds a new mobile Android malware is discovered in the wild as reported in the G DATA Malware Report Mobile for Q1 2015. Security firm GDATAÂ has published a report on mobile malware detected in the first quarter of 2015. The researchers discovered 440,267 new strains of Android malware, a new malware strain for […]
Researchers at ESET analyzed the Dino malware confirming that the sophisticated espionage platform belongs to the arsenal of the Animal Farm APT. Security experts at ESET have analyzed Dino, a sophisticated platform used by the Animal Farm ATP group. Earlier this year, security researchers discovered two powerful malware, dubbed Babar and Casper, likely developed by the […]
Researchers at the Fujitsu Security Operations Center spotted a strain of Dyre being served exploiting hundreds of compromised home routers. According to the popular security expert Brian Krebs, criminals are exploiting a new technique to spread the Dyre banking malware, they are leveraging hacked wireless routers. Dyre is usually downloaded by the malicious trojan Upatre, it […]
The French researcher Kafeine confirmed that the author of the Magnitude exploit kit have added the code to exploit the Adobe CVE-2015-3113 flaw. Cyber criminals have added the recently the recently discovered CVE-2015-3113 to the popular Magnitude exploit kit. Last week, Adobe released a security update for the critical Adobe Flash Player vulnerability CVE-2015-3113 that is […]
A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. Password Recovery Scam â how to hack a Gmail account Signal amplification and brute-force attack for car thieves Electronic Frontier Foundation â WhatsApp ranked as the worst at protecting […]
The authors of the Stegoloader malware are exploiting digital steganography to target companies worldwide, mainly US Healthcare companies. A couple of weeks ago, the security researchers at Dell SecureWorks discovered a new strain of malware dubbed Stegoloader, that exploits steganography as an evasion technique. Once infected the victimâs machine, a specific loader module loads a PNG file that contains […]