According to a report published by The Telegraph, scammers are targeting iPhone and iPad users with a new elaborate scheme that relies on iOS crash warnings Scammers are targeting iPhone and iPad users with a new-old elaborate scheme that relies on iOS crash warnings. Scammers are using JavaScript generated dialogs to display IOS Crash warnings, as explained […]
The California UCLA Health hospitals announced that have breached its systems and accessed personal information and medical records of 4.5 million patients. The California UCLA Health hospitals announced that hackers may have breached its systems and accessed personal information and medical records of 4.5 million patients. The UCLA Health medical group reported that hackers infiltrated […]
According to a recent research published by experts at the AppBugs firm many Android and Apple mobile apps allow brute force attacks. Android and Apple devices are the most used worldwide, millions of mobile users every day use the apps available in their official stores, but what if the majority of these applications are vulnerable […]
The experts at Trend Micro discovered GamaPoS, a new PoS malware that is spread through the Andromeda botnet in the US and Canada. GamaPoSÂ is the name of the last PoS malware used by criminal crews to steal credit card data from the memory of payment systems. Security experts at Trend Micro discovered which discovered the […]
A former intern at FireEye firm has been arrested for developing and distributing the sophisticated Android malware dubbed Dendroid. A former intern at FireEye firm has been arrested for developing and distributing the sophisticated Android malware dubbed Dendroid.  Experts at Symantec in March 2014 discovered a new HTTP Android Remote administration tool, named Dendroid, available on […]
Epic Games announced that one of the forum websites it maintains has been hacked and the attackers have gained access to users’ sensitive data. Epic Games is one of the most popular video game development companies, Unreal Tournament, Jazz Jackrabbit, Gears of War, and Infinity Blade are the most popular game series designed by the gaming […]
Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new strain of TeslaCrypt ransomware, version 2.0, Â which was improved in a significant way. Malware researchers at Kaspersky detected a new strain of the TeslaCrypt ransomware (, so-called TeslaCrypt 2.0, which includes a number of improvements. This ransomware also encrypts video game files, but the most significant improvement […]
Documents leaked online after the Hacking Team data breach revealed that the company supported the FBI in the investigation on Tor users. While the security experts are continuing to analyze the impressive amount of data stolen from the Hacking Team, new revelation are circulating over the Internet. Among the clients of the Italian security firm, there […]
An international joint effort of law enforcement allowed the arrest of dozen people active on the popular Darkode crime forum. A joint operation run by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in Europe and Brazil have allowed the identification and the arrest of more than 60 people suspected of carrying out hacking crimes. According to […]
Documents leaked online after the Hacking Team hack revealed that the company used a UEFI BIOS rootkit to gain persistence for its spyware software. The recent data breach suffered by the surveillance firm Hacking Team is shocking the IT security industry, the hackers leaked company emails, source codes and contracts revealing uncomfortable truths. Security experts mainly […]