Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2015
SYNful_Knock malicious ROMMON images discovered in the wild

Mandiant firm has spotted more than a dozen Cisco routers running malicious ROMMON firmware images that allow attackers to control targeted devices. A few weeks ago, CISCO issued an alert to warn enterprise customers about a spike in attacks in which hackers use valid admin credentials on IOS devices to install bogus ROMMON images, which is the bootstrap […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2015
FBI warns customers, get Internet of Things away from the Internet

A recent announcement issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation warns customers that Internet of Things poses opportunities for cyber crime. The FBI is worried by rapid diffusion of the Internet of Things devices, according law enforcement smart objects could represent a serious threat for cyber security, and more in general for the society. Security […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2015
Cybercrime costs UK businesses about £2.8 billion annually

According to a report recently published by the Allianz Global the cybercrime costs UK businesses about £2.8 billion annually. According to a report recently published by the Allianz Global the cyber criminal activities costs UK businesses about £2.8 billion annually, accounting for 16 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Cybercrime impacts on the global economy with £289.6 […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2015
Crooks are abusing Google Search Console to remain under the radar

Experts at Sucuri revealed that cybercriminals are abusing Google Search Console to hide their presence in compromised websites, administrators are advised! Security experts at Sucuri firm have discovered cyber criminals are increasingly abusing legitimate webmaster tools (Google Search Console) for black hat SEO and hide their presence on compromised websites. The operation for crooks is […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 14, 2015
Department of Energy hacked 159 times between 2010 and 2014

According to a review of federal records obtained by USA Today, the US Department of Energy is among the most targeted government organizations in the US. The US Department of Energy manages information of strategic importance for a potential attacker, it oversees the operations of power grid, nuclear arsenal, and national labs. The data show that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 14, 2015
SUCEFUL, the first multi-vendor ATM malware

According to the malware researchers at FireEye Labs Suceful is the first multi-vendor ATM malware threatening the banking industry. Experts at FireEye have discovered a new strain of malware dubbed Suceful (Backdoor.ATM.Suceful) specifically designed to target ATMs. Malware designed to hack ATMs are not new, in the past security experts have already detected malicious codes used […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 13, 2015
Lockerpin, the first known Android lock-screen ransomware

Lockerpin is the first known Android lock-screen ransomware to set a phone’s PIN lock that is targeting mainly US mobile users. Once again here we are to discuss a new mobile ransomware, this time the malicious Android app dubbed Android/Lockerpin.A locks out victims by changing lock screen PIN until owners pay a $US500 ransom. Android/Lockerpin.A, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 12, 2015
ISIS hackers violated top secret British Government emails

According to an investigation by the GCHQ intelligence agency ISIS hackers targeted information held by some of David Cameron’s most senior ministers. According the experts at the British Intelligence GCHQ, ISIS hackers intercept top secret British Government emails. The investigation conducted by the GCHQ allowed the British intelligence to uncover a serious breach, terrorists linked […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 11, 2015
Cyber criminal crew DD4BC extorts businesses via DDoS

According to a report recently issued by Akamai, the DD4BC criminal group has been responsible for at least 114 DDoS attacks on its customers. According the Akamai firm, the criminal crews known as DD4BC has carried out at least 114 DDoS attacks with an average peak bandwidth of around 13.34 Gbps on its customers since April […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 11, 2015
Another computer system at the Pentagon has been hacked

Another cyber attack hit computer systems at the Pentagon, this time the food court computers have been hacked exposing employees’ bank information. In August, alleged Russian hackers have hacked an unclassified emailing server of the Pentagon, it was just one of the numerous attacks against the US Government systems. According to the NBC news, US […]