Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini July 29, 2015
Experts discovered a new Google Drive phishing campaign

Experts discovered a new Google Drive phishing campaign in which the threat actors deployed phishing web pages on Google Drive. Once again phishers exploited Google’s reputation running a phishing campaign aimed to steal user Google credentials and access to the multitude services offered by the company. The new phishing campaign was discovered by the security […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2015
Darkode black market back online with security improvements

The administrator of the popular Darkode hacking forum announced that the platform will back online soon with new security improvements. A few days ago Darkode, a black market specialized in the sale of exploit kits and hacking tool was shut down by an international operation of law enforcement. A joint operation run by the FBI and other […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2015
Advertising hijacking made by Invisible rogue mobile apps are wasting petabytes of data a day

Mobile Malware is growing and crooks are targeting the advertising industry to redirect users to ad pages in a sort of Advertising hijacking. Mobile Malware is growing and crooks are targeting the advertising industry with malicious codes able to redirect users to ad pages, this practice is known as Advertising hijacking. These “rogue mobile apps” […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2015
FireEye report on TTPs of Nigerian a 419 scammers group

FireEye published a report on the operations of a group of 419 scammers located in Nigeria, which is using malware as a component of their fraud scams. Security firm FireEye has published a new report on a new group of 419 scammers that is using keyloggers and other malware to implement its fraud scheme. According to the investigators, the fraudsters diverted potentially millions […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 26, 2015
Security Affairs newsletter Round 19 – Best of the week from best sources

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from the best sources free for you in your email box. Russian APT launched a new phishing campaign on the Pentagon Dead NIS agent left note denying spying on SK population Microsoft to spoofed Skype users: Change your account passwords […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 26, 2015
Anonymous’s team GhostSec thwarts Isis terror plots

Anonymous affiliate GhostSec has supported US law enforcement and Intelligence agencies in thwarting Isis terror plots in New York and Tunisia. The popular Anonymous affiliate GhostSec has provided useful information on preventing terrorist attacks on New York and Tunisia planned by the Islamic State (Isis), according to a counterterrorism expert. According to the Internation Business Times, Michael Smith, an adviser to […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2015
Anonymous Hacks US Census Bureau Against TPP/TTIP

Anonymous hackers announced to have compromised the US Census Bureau against TTIP/TPP and leaked data online as proof of the data breach. Anonymous hackers announced to have compromised the US Census Bureau against TTIP/TPP. The members of the popular collective are the same that hacked World Trade Center (WTC) according to the colleagues at the The […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 23, 2015
A new variant of Bartalex used to serve Dyre and Pony Trojans

Researchers have spotted a new strain of the Bartalex macro-based malware that is used to drop the Pony loader malware and the popular Dyre banking Trojan. Bartalex is a macro-based malware that was first discovered earlier this year, security researchers have spotted a new strain of this malicious code dropping the Pony loader malware and the popular Dyre banking […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2015
Business Blackout, economic impact of a cyber attack against a power grid

What will happen if hackers will hit critical infrastructure in the US, which will be the economic impact of a cyber attack against a power grid? According to a poll done by Morning Consult firm, cyber attacks are just behind terrorism attacks on the list of biggest threats to the US, it has been estimated that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2015
Deep dive into attribution trove of Hacking Team

Thi post was written by the security experts and colleagues at RedSocks, they explored the argument of the “Attribution” for the Hacking Team data Breach. Attribution is probably one of the toughest things to deal with during a major Cyber Security breach, yet it is one of the most demanded skills.Earlier in the first incident […]