Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini April 11, 2015
Great Cannon, the powerful Chinese hacking platform

Researchers uncovered the Great Cannon, a powerful hacking tool, used by the Chinese Government to run MITM attacks, that was used also against GitHub. The researchers from the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Toronto have uncovered a powerful weapon of the Chinese Government cyber arsenal, dubbed the Great Cannon, used to […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 08, 2015
How Russians hackers breached the White House unclassified network

According to the CNN Russian hackers used data gathered from State Department to run a Phishing campaign against White House staffers. On October 2014, the Reuters Agency published the news that a suspicious activity had been detected on the Executive Office of the President (EOP) network. According to an unnamed official at the White House, hackers infiltrated an […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 28, 2015
Iran increased cyber-security spending 12-fold since 2013

Iran is improving its cyber capabilities faster than experts ‘would have ever imagined’ and increased cyber-security spending 12-fold since2013. The British Business Insider published an interesting post on the Iranian cyber capabilities, according the experts the Government of Teheran is improving expertise in the cyber domain faster than experts ‘would have ever imagined’. Iran is […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 23, 2015
ISIS cell calls on supporters to kill 100 US military personnel

A cell of the ISIS has called on its members and backers in the US to kill 100 service members whose names, photos and addresses it posted online. The ISIS continues to scare the West, its operations are supported by a very aggressive media campaign that shares proclamations and recruit new followers in the name […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2015
Operation Woolen Goldfish, a hacking campaign in the wild

Security experts at Trend micro uncovered a new hacking campaign dubbed Operation Woolen Goldfish likely run by a threat actor group known as Rocket Kitten. Security experts at Trend Micro have uncovered a new cyber espionage campaign that is targeting a number of European organisations and businesses. The attackers run a spear phishing campaign that […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
China and its cyber capabilities, are you really surprised?

China has admitted the existence in its military organization of special information warfare units, I contacted one of the greatest experts for a comment. Bill Hagestad (Red-DragonRising  @RedDragon1949) is a consultant, speaker and expert on Chinese cyber warfare. He is author of 21st Century Chinese Cyberwarfare and Chinese Information Warfare Doctrine Development 1994 – 2014  among […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2015
China admitted the existence of Information warfare units

For the first time China has publicly admitted the existence in its military organization of special information warfare units.  Since quite some time that security experts sustain that China has one of the most advanced cyber army that is responsible for carried some of the highest profile cyber-attacks, but the Government of Beijing China always […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2015
North Korea Internet outage could be a response to Sony Hack

According to a US Lawmaker North Korea Internet outage occurred in December could be a response for the cyber attack against the Sony Pictures On December 2014, the North Korea suffered a significant network outage which isolated the country from the internet. Security experts speculated that the incident was a retaliation for the Sony hack. […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 18, 2015
South Korea – Hacker requests money for data on nuclear plants

Hacker who posted online information on Nuclear Plants in South Korea demands money for not selling other sensitive information to other governments. The Government of Seoul has issued a report blaming North Korea for cyber attacks against computers at Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), a subsidiary of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) that […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 16, 2015
Cyber attacks against Organizations increased once again

71 percent of organizations were victims of successfully cyber attacks in 2014 according to the “2015 Cyberthreat Defense Report” report. The CyberEdge Group published an interesting report, titled “2015 Cyberthreat Defense Report” that in line with similar studies confirms the increase in the number of successful cyber attacks against organizations. The report analyzed data provided by 814 organizations, it […]