Laws and regulations

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2015
Indian Government bans third party email services, including Gmail and Yahoo

The Indian Government bans third party email services, including Gmail and Yahoo, from its offices in order to protect government communications. The Indian government will be monitoring the online activities of official computers, blocking any content not comply with its policy. The authorities will intimate users and, as an ultimate measure, will have the right […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2015
Doubts about how CSE monitors Canadian emails to the Government

New secret documents leaked by Snowden reveal that CSE monitors millions of Canadian emails to Government, but privacy advocates criticized how CSE does it. Privacy advocates and Canadians are worried by the last bunch of document leaked by Edward Snowden related to the surveillance activities conducted by the Canadian Security Establishment (CSE). The national broadcaster Canadian […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2015
NSA Director Rogers urges the creation a legal framework for the US authorities

The NSA Director Rogers urges the creation of an independent legal framework to regulate the operations conducted US authorities. The NSA director and commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Admiral Michael Rogers, told a Washington cybersecurity forum that legislators need the creation of a legal framework to regulate the operations conducted by law enforcement and intelligence-gathering organizations worldwide. […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2015
Rule 41 – Google against the expansion of FBI hacking powers

The Us Justice Department’s proposal to grant FBI Rule 41 specific hacking rights is under high scrutiny. While the amendment is being reviewed, the Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules will consider public objections, including a letter from Google. The amendment to the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 41 (Rule 41) would expand jurisdiction for judges to […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 14, 2015
EU parliament bans the Microsoft mobile Outlook app

The experts at the IT Department of the EU parliament bans the Microsoft mobile Outlook app due to the recently disclosed privacy and security issues. A few day ago I wrote about serious security issues for day ago I wrote about serious security issues for Microsoft mobile Outlook app, the researcher and Head of Development at midpoints […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 10, 2015
Memex – The new search tool to dig also in the Deep Web

DARPA has publicly presented for the first time a new set of search tools called Memex which will improve also researches into the “Deep Web”. In 2014, the U.S. Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) launched a the MEMEX project to design advanced search tools that could be also used to scan the deep web, which isn’t indexed by […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 06, 2015
GCHQ mass internet surveillance was unlawful, IPT rules

The Investigatory Powers Tribunal has considered unlawful the GCHQ access to information gathered by the NSA through its massive surveillance programs. The British intelligence GCHQ acted illegally in accessing millions of personal communications collected by the NSA, this is the judgment of The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) that ruled against the national intelligence agency and security services. […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 05, 2015

CYBERPOL Organization urges a joint effort between private firms and law enforcement to remove illegal and harmful content from the Internet. CYBERPOL, the International Cyber Security Organization ICSO, said that illegal and harmful content capable of affecting the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of all Internet users are increasing at alarming and disturbing rates. It […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 26, 2015
Davos – experts warned about major cyberattacks

Davos World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2015 – The elite of experts confirms the rising technological risks, notably cyber attacks. The World Economic Forum in Davos brings together some 2,500 of the top players in the sphere of politics, finance and business. The elite of experts meeting in Davos for the World Economic Forum Annual […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 25, 2015
Law enforcement using Range-R devices to see through walls

At least 50 US law enforcement agencies quietly deployed Range-R radars that let them effectively see inside homes seeing through walls. Edward Snowden has confirmed our suspicions about the massive surveillance programs of the US government, but the news that we are going to comment together is very disturbing. At least 50 U.S. law enforcement […]