
Pierluigi Paganini January 14, 2012
Sykipot attacks U.S PKI infrastructures based on smart cards

In these hours on the web is turning the news of a cyber attack performed by a group of Chinese hackers against some U.S. Government Agencies. Once again, the weapon used against the strategic objectives is a cyber weapon, in particular it has been used a new version of the trojan Sykipot. Chinese hackers have […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 11, 2012
Banking sector, bad news regarding cyber threats

The new year does not bode well in terms of cyber threats banking universe. The need for new services, primarily the ability to make transactions in mobile scenario, exposing the banks and their platforms to serious threats. Particularly in these early days of 2012, two reports have raised some concern: Global warning about Banking trojan […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 05, 2012
2012, the threat of malware. Evolution in the mobile scenario

Wanting to try out hypotheses about the future of the spread of malware, we cannot help but examine the mobile scenarios. For those who develop viruses and similar mobile platforms are a favorite target. The main causes are: The ubiquity of mobile phones such as smartphones of the latest generation. The technology evolution and the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 04, 2012
Why the use of a cyber weapon has proved a winner?

In recent months one of the topics of greatest interest in the international scientific community has been the development of new cyber weapons to use against hostile countries. What dominates, without any doubt, was the use of viruses and other malware to attack critical infrastructure of the opponents. The Stuxnet case did school, for sure […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 30, 2011
WiFi Protected Setup vulnerable to Reaver tool attack

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS; originally Wi-Fi Simple Config) is a computing standard used to allow easy establishment of a secure wireless home network. It has been introduced by the Wi-Fi Alliance on January 8, 2007, with tha main purpose to allow home users to set up the encryption method WPA2, as well as making it […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2011
Stuxnet, Duqu and the sons of the “Tilded” platform

We all have heard of Stuxnet viruses, malware that has undoubtedly marked a new era in the field. It is considered by experts the first real cyber weapon developed to infect control systems present in some of Iran’s nuclear facilities. With Stuxnet was, in fact, introduced a new concept of malware, a broad-spectrum deadly weapon […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2011
GSM mobile … the insecure network

The latest discovered vulnerability in GSM ( Global System for Mobile) technology is worrying many telecom operators of several countries due to their impact on an audience of billions users. Some experts in the Security Research Labs in Berlin have shown how to get the remote control of mobile phones to send SMS and make calls. […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2011
Iran, the cyber threat … are we creating a new enemy ?

“Iran, the super power capable of threatening the world”. This is the title of a hypothetical sensationalist article aimed to enhance the computer skills of a nation of which little is known. In recent weeks the strange coincidence of events is helping to fuel this belief that leaving the majority of Western countries perceive these […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 23, 2011
What should we expect from next cyber weapon? Hypothesis on Stuxnet 3

This 2011 was the year of the consecration of cyber weapons from a mediatic point of view. Awareness of the threat has been shared by all the major states of the world. This weapons could be been used in cyber attacks, claiming victims from cyberspace to the real world. Names like Stuxnet and Duqu have become […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 21, 2011
Malware attacks Georgia Hospital, have we learnt the lesson?

The medical industry is historically one of the sectors that has benefited more than others for the introduction of technology. Devices allow ever more complex operations every day to millions of patients and to medical equipments, from health conditions monitoring to remote surgery. Informations systems manage massive amounts of sensitive information, making them available to […]