
Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2013
Mac malware detected by Appelbaum at Oslo Freedom Forum

NEW MAC MALWARE HAS BEEN DISCOVERED BY JACOB APPELBAUM ON ATTENDEE COMPUTER AT OSLO FREEDOM FORUM WHERE IS DEBATED ALSO GOVERNMENT SURVEILLANCE. A new Mac Malware has been detected at recent Oslo Freedom Forum workshop, the concerning discovery has been made by the popular security expert Jacob Appelbaum. “Hundreds of the world’s most influential dissidents, innovators, journalists, philanthropists, and […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 17, 2013
Group-IB Exclusive details on Kangoo botnet that hit Australian banks

Group-IB researchers have detected a new botnet named Kangoo that infected more than 150 000 machines mainly targeting Australian banks. Group-IB researchers have detected a new botnet named Kangoo that infected more than 150 000 machines, specialists dubbed it «Kangoo» due the presence of  a kangaroo logo on the WEB-interface of the C&C administrative panel. The botnet mainly […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 16, 2013
Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, the monopoly of Android malware

F-Secure published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013 that reveals Malware targeting Android devices is rapidly growing in both the number of variants detected and in their complexity and sophistication. F-Secure has published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, an interesting document that the security firm periodically issues giving information on the evolution […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2013
IE8 zero-day exploit targets U.S. nuke researchers

Security experts have discovered a new IE8 zero-day vulnerability exploited to target U.S. Government experts working  on nuclear weapons research. Security experts have discovered a new IE8 zero-day vulnerability exploited to target U.S. Government experts working  on nuclear weapons research, the concerning discovery has been confirmed by principal security firms that revealed that the flaw […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2013
DDoS – Evolution of DIY tools in the underground

When the DDoS topic is introduced it’s immediate to link it with the most popular tools usable for this type of attacks, but underground offers much more. When the DDoS topic is introduced it’s immediate to link it with the most popular tools usable for this type of attacks such as the popular LOIC, we must consider that underground offer […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 02, 2013
ESET on Avatar rootkit with API, SDK, and Yahoo Groups as C&C

ESET security firm found a mysterious instance of Avatar rootkit with API, SDK, and Yahoo Groups for C&C communication Early this year ESET security firm detected the Avatar rootkit (Win32/Rootkit.Avatar), a mysterious malware advertised  as rootkit by Russian cybercrime on specific forums. “We present you here previously announced product. In connection with work on other projects, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2013
Sophisticated Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit detected

Securi security firm detected a new sophisticated  Apache backdoor used to hijack traffic  to malicious website serving the popular Blackhole exploit kit. Securi security firm detected a new sophisticated  Apache backdoor used to hijack traffic to malicious website serving the popular Blackhole exploit kit. The company published a blog post describing the new Apache backdoor that according […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 27, 2013
FireEye report on advanced cyber attacks landscape

FireEye report on the evolution of sophisticated cyber threats and their diffusion on global scale FireEye security firm has published another interesting report, titled “FireEye report -The Advanced Cyber Attack Landscape”, that provides an overview of advanced cyber attack landscape, these events are a widespread global activity and during 2012.   FireEye experts detected  12 million malware communications seeking instructions, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 24, 2013
Verizon, large scale cyber espionage from China and much more

Verizon has issued the “2013 Data Breach Investigations Report” that investigates on a series of documented data breaches. Verizon’s RISK Team, in collaboration with other 18 partners, has issued the “2013 Data Breach Investigations Report” that investigates on a series of documented data breaches. Since 2008 the company yearly publishes data related to principal incidents occurred during […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2013
HTTP-Botnets: The Dark Side of a Standard Protocol!

When the HTTP protocol was born in 1999, no one ever thought it will be used by one of the most dangerous Cyber threats called Botnet. A bot is an application that can perform and repeat a particular task faster than a human. When a large number of bots infect different targets (e.g. Computers and […]