After a weekend of outage and various mysterious password reset emails Apple has revealed that the iOS Developer Center was hacked. After 3 days of absolute silence of the voice of a possible hack to the IOS Developer Center, Apple has just confirmed that it was the victim of a cyber attack. The iOS Developer Center web […]
The news for clamorous data breaches on Tango Application and The Ubuntu Forum create concerns on the level of security offered by principal service providers News of numerous and clamorous data breaches due cyber attacks is circulating on the internet, massive database from the Tango messenger server was hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army and […]
A vulnerability on SIM cards, and in particular on the DES algorithm for the encryption, could compromise the security of mobile phones. A serious vulnerability on SIM cards used in some mobile phones has been found, exploiting the flaw an attacker could eavesdrop on phone conversations, could install malicious applications on the device or it could impersonalize […]
Security experts uncovered an unusual cyber espionage campaign based on file infector belonging to the PE_EXPIRO family that includes information theft module Security experts at TrendMicro uncovered an unusual espionage campaign that hit United States users based on malware having file infector with stealing capabilities. The attackers acted with specific intent to steal information from organizations or […]
“Cyber-crime, securities markets and systemic risk” is the study issued by IOSCO and WFE that discussed systemic impact by cybercrime on securities markets “Cyber-crime, securities markets and systemic risk” is the title of a paper issued by The International Organization of Security Commissions (IOSCO), a leading policy forum for securities regulators, and the World Federation […]
Trend Micro uncovered targeted attack against European and Asian government agencies to steal login credentials from IE and Microsoft Outlook products. A new targeted attack has been uncovered by Trend Micro security experts, the hackers hit European government agencies trying to steal login credentials from Internet Explorer (IE) and Microsoft Outlook. The attackers trying to […]
The China-based group Android Security Squad revealed a new Android Master Key attack that exploits the vulnerability in the way the OS reads APK files allowing modification of signed legitimate apps. The China-based group Android Security Squad found for the second time a serious vulnerability in Android master key management. In the last days it was […]
Security expert Dan Melamed discovered a critical Facebook vulnerability would allow an attacker to take complete control over any account. A critical Facebook vulnerability would allow an attacker to take complete control over any account, the discovery was made by Dan Melamed, a security researcher, web developer, self-employed internet marketer, and entrepreneur. Dan was recently […]
Cybercriminals Leveraging Facebook is the title of a research that provided evidence that criminal organizations are exploiting Facebook for illegal activities. Cybercriminals Leveraging Facebook, this is the title of an interesting research conducted by Eric Feinberg, Ian Malloy and Frank Angiolelli that provided evidence of the existence of highly organized criminal networks that are exploiting the popular social network for […]
The guardian issued new top secret documents gathered by Edward Snowden demonstrating the intense collaboration between Microsoft and US government. Edward Snowden has issued new top secret documents demonstrating the intense collaboration between Microsoft and US government, in particular the whistleblower revealed the support received by the NSA that obtained by the company the access to […]