Chinese Hacking Team Comment Crew caught taking over a honeypot simulating a Water Plant, the infinite offensive of Chinese Cyber Units linked to PLA. The Comment Crew group of hackers has been identified during an attack to a fake US control system of a water facility. The researchers deployed a honeypot to collect evidences on the attackers that […]
This POC demonstrates that exploiting a Facebook flaw it is possible the disclosure of Friends List EVEN WHEN HE HAS BLOCKED ACCESS TO VIEW IT This is a Proof of Concept made by BHAVESH NAIK DO YOU WISH TO SEE WHO IS IN YOUR FRIENDS LIST, EVEN WHEN YOUR FRIEND HAS BLOCKED ACCESS TO VIEW HIS […]
Former FBI officers revealed to the Wall Street Journal the existence of FBI Android malware that is used to spy on suspects for investigations. The FBI is using mobile Android malware to spy on suspects for its investigations, the news is not surprising but is the confirmation that law enforcement are exploiting new technologies for […]
At least three White House employees personal Gmail accounts hacked by the popular group of hackers knows as Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). White House employees personal email hacked, it is happened to three staffers that suffered data breaches on their personal Gmail accounts. The source of intelligence revealed a link between this attack and the […]
FireHost Secure cloud hosting company issued Q2 2013 Superfecta report that revealed a sharp increase in blended, automated attacks. FireHost announced the Q2 2013 Superfecta report, an interesting set of statistic related to attacks against web applications. The Superfecta is a group of four attack types considered by the FireHost Secure cloud hosting company as being the most […]
Researchers at Securi discover Credit Card Redirection attack technique to hijack credit card data during transactions on e-commerce sites. With the term credit card redirection is indicated the illegal practice to steal credit and debit card information compromising legitimate web services. Security experts are observing an increase of credit card redirection cases, cyber criminals are varying their […]
Spy agencies reportedly have a long-standing ban on Lenovo PCs due to backdoor vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to remotely access to the computers. Spy agencies reportedly have a long-standing ban on Lenovo PCs due to backdoor vulnerabilities. Lenovo PC banned by spy agencies in the UK, Australia and the US due the possible impairment […]
A GPS vulnerability could allow hackers and terrorists to hijack ships, drones and commercial airliners, the GPS expert Todd Humphreys demonstrated it. A GPS vulnerability could allow hackers and terrorists to hijack ships, drones and commercial airliners, the news represents a motivation of the greatest concerns for responsible for the national security of every country. […]
Imperva released a Web Application Attack Report that provides an overview of the principal cyber security events occurred during the last 12 months. Imperva security firm has just released last annual Web Application Attack Report (WAAR) that provides an overview of the principal cyber security events occurred in the cyberspace during the last 12 months. […]
KINS trojan is the name of the new banking malware that RSA researchers discovered thanks to an announcement on the Russian black market. Early 2013 RSA discovered traces of a news banking trojan named KINS, security experts have followed the evolution of the malware in the underground community. RSA researchers discovered an announcement on the Russian […]