
Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2020
Mukashi, the new Mirai variant that targets Zyxel NAS

A new variant of the infamous Mirai malware, tracked as Mukashi, targets Zyxel network-attached storage (NAS) devices exploiting recently patched CVE-2020-9054 issue. Security experts have discovered a new variant of the infamous Mirai malware, tracked as Mukashi, was employed in attacks against network-attached storage (NAS) devices manufactured by Zyxel. According to Palo Alto researchers, threat actors exploited […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2020
Fbot re-emerged, the backstage

Mirai Fbot is back with the stronger infection speed, “Currently FBOT’s infection speed is about 100 nodes per day.. Don’t trust me, trust the number”, said the researcher who figured the come-back…” In the previous month we covered the mystery behind the Mirai botnet variant dubbed as “Fbot” after the threat’s latest encryption was disclosed […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 03, 2019
Dutch police shut down bulletproof service hosting tens of DDoS botnets

Dutch police seized a bulletproof hosting service in a major takedown, the infrastructure was used by tens of IoT botnets involved in DDoS attacks. A joint operation conducted by the Netherlands’ National Criminal Investigation Department and National Cyber Security Center allowed to track down and seize five servers that were composing a cybercrime underground bulletproof […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 01, 2019
New Mirai botnet hides C2 server in the Tor network to prevent takedowns

Researchers at Trend Micro have discovered a new Mirai Botnet that has command and control server in the Tor network to make takedowns hard. Experts at Trend Micro have discovered a new Mirai Botnet that uses a Command and Control hidden in the Tor Network, a choice that protects the anonymity of the operators and […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2019
New Miori botnet has a unique protocol for C2 communication

A new variant of the implements a unique protocol to communicate with Command and Control infrastructure A new variant of the Miori botnet uses a unique protocol to communicate with C&C infrastructure, it implements a protection mechanism to access the login panel. The Miori bot borrows the code from the dreaded Mirai malware. it first […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2019
New Echobot Botnet targets Oracle, VMware Apps and includes 26 Exploits

Operators behind the Echobot botnet added new exploits to infect IoT devices, and also enterprise apps Oracle WebLogic and VMware SD-Wan. Recently a new botnet, tracked Echobot, appeared in the threat landscape its operators are adding new exploits to infect a broad range of systems, including IoT devices, enterprise apps Oracle WebLogic and VMware SD-Wan. […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2019
A bug in Mirai code allows crashing C2 servers

Ankit Anubhav, a principal researcher at NewSky Security, explained how to exploit a vulnerability in the Mirai bot to crash it. Ankit Anubhav, a principal researcher at NewSky, explained how to exploit a trivial bug in the code of the Mirai bot, which is present in many of its variants, to crash it. The expert […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 10, 2019
Experts spotted a new Mirai variant that targets new processors

Palo Alto Networks researchers discovered a new variant of the Mirai malware that is targeting more processor architectures than previous ones. Mirai botnet continues to be one of the most dangerous malware in the threat landscape, experts at Palo Alto Networks discovered a new variant that targets more processor architectures than before. Mirai malware first […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2019
A new development shows a potential shift to using Mirai to target enterprises

PaloAlto Networks researchers discovered a new variant of the infamous Mirai botnet is targeting IoT devices belonging to businesses. Researchers at PaloAlto Networks spotted a new variant of the infamous Mirai botnet is targeting IoT devices belonging to businesses. Mirai malware first appeared in the wild in 2016 when the expert MalwareMustDie discovered it in massive attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 11, 2019
British hacker sentenced to jail for attack on Liberian Telecoms firms

The British hacker Daniel Kaye has been sentenced to 32 months in prison for the cyberattack on Liberian telecom firms. The British hacker Daniel Kaye (29) has been sentenced to 32 months in prison for the 2016 attack that took down telecommunications services in Liberia. Kaye pleaded guilty in December to two charges under the Computer Misuse […]