Gaza: Resecurity identified threat actors exploiting the conflict to weaponize psychological operations (PSYOPs) campaigns. Amidst the outbreak of war on the Gaza Strip last weekend, Resecurity (Los Angeles-based cybersecurity company protecting Fortune 100) has identified multiple cyber-threat actors staging online psychological operations (PSYOPs) campaigns to manipulate public opinion regarding the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict. PSYOPs are […]
#OpUSA – OpIsrael – The hacker collective Anonymous threatens cyber attacks on US Government and launched the offensive against the Israeli targets. In the last hours, the hacktivists leaked online names, emails, and passwords of Israeli public employees and shared a list of US government sites to target, calling on action against them. Anonymous leaked data belonging to only a […]
Anonymous hit numerous Israeli websites as promised in a video message posted a few days ago, which was threatening Israel with “the electronic holocaust.” As promised hackers belonging to the Anonymous collective have hit Israeli websites. Last week Anonymous hacktivists published a video online threatening Israel with “the electronic holocaust.” The voice in the video […]
Anonymous has posted a video message threatening Israel with “the electronic holocaust” which would “erase it from cyberspace” on next April 7. Once again the group of hacktivits Anonymous has threatened Israel with “the electronic holocaust” which would “erase it from cyberspace.” The massive cyber attack announced by Anonymous is planned on April 7 for “crimes in the Palestinian territories.” […]
Members of the group of hacktivists Anonymous have coordinated a major Distributed Denial of Service attack early this morning as part of the #OpSaveGaza. Anonymous, the popular collective of hacktivists, has taken down the official website of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad as announced through a tweet from one of its numerous accounts. Obviously the collective […]
We all remember the debated attacks of Anonymous collective against Israeli government that targeted various websites of the country last April 7th. The data on the cyber attacks reported by Israel government are really different from the one provided by the group of hacktivists in the damage report for #OpIsrael that account for a Total […]
The #OpIsrael is destined to make the history, for the first time a collective decided to conduct a large-scale cyber attack against a state, despite the campaign started a few months ago it has reached its peak on 7th April when various organizations of hacktivists targeted Israele Web sites with powerful DDoS attacks and in some cases defacing them […]
The day is near, the group of hackers belonging to the collective of Anonymous declared in a unanimous way, war on the state of Israel, promising a sensational action on April 7th. The popular group of hacktivists started in the last months a campaign dubbed #OpIsrael to protest against Israeli bombing of Palestinian territory, the hackers have […]
Israel is considered by various group of hacktivists an enemy state to fight, for this reason they decide a joint operation to start on April 7th as part of #OpIsrael. The attack started in 2012 against the protest against Israeli bombing of Palestinian territory, hacktivists are expressing full solidarity with the Palestinian people, the interest is high […]
Recently I wrote a post to describe the national blackout occurred is Syria, the event officially justified by the regime as a technical problem but that according many experts it could be the result of Government censorship operation. The collective of Anonymous is sure that Syrian regime was responsible for the national outage which purpose […]