
Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2012
Stratfor on Iran, Palantir and Goldman Sachs

It is impossible to argue otherwise, after one days from the publication of mail stolen during the hack to Stratfor, it’s time to analyze them in the light of political events in recent years. More than a surprise in many cases we have had confirmation on the controversial work made by governments, companies and security […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2012
Wikileaks & Anonymous, new alliance against dirty affairs

The day has come, WikiLeaks began publishing more than five million emails from Texas-based global security think tank company Stratfor, a global intelligence firm. This time WikiLeaks has chosen a strategic partner, the international Internet hacktivist group of Anonymous, two forces that together are able to frighten the world’s great, the new alliance against dirty affairs. […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2011
Stratfor hack, “not so private and secret anymore”?

This Christmas will be reminded also for the hack of the Stratfor Global Intelligence service made by collective Anonymous who disclosed company website and also a the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations. They gained access to a subscriber list stored on, and that list contained unencrypted credit card data. The full […]