
Pierluigi Paganini April 19, 2014
Satellite equipment affected by severe vulnerabilities

A study conducted by experts at IOActive uncovered a variety of severe vulnerabilities in Satellite equipment widely used in numerous industries. Satellite Communication Devices are vulnerable to cyber attacks due the presence of critical design flaws in the firmware of principal satellite terrestrial equipment. Different satellite systems manufactured by some of the world’s biggest government contractors are […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2014
US retailer Michaels Stores confirms card data breach

After Target and Neiman Marcus, also US retailer Michaels Stores confirms card data breach occurred early this year, the second one in the company hystory. Early this year was spread the news that Michaels Stores Inc, the biggest U.S. arts and crafts retailer, was the victim of a severe data breach. Michaels Stores Inc. retailer was […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2014
Ponemon study – SQL Injection attacks too dangerous for organizations

A new study conducted by the Ponemon Institute reveals the impact of successfully SQL injection attacks on organizations during the last year. The Ponemon Institute published a new study titled “The SQL Injection Threat Study“ to understand the reply of organizations to the SQL injection threat. The study is sponsored by DB Networks, its Chairman and CEO Brett Helm used the following […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2014
The impact of the HeartBleed Bug on Tor Anonymity

The presence of nearly 380 servers in the Tor Network, 12 percent of the exit capacity, running the vulnerable version of OpenSSL could have compromised user’s anonymity. The Heartbleed bug is the flaw in the popular OpenSSL library that is scaring the security communities, many security experts hiphotesized that Intelligence agencies, including NSA, have exploited the bug to spy on […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2014
Cyber warriors fought between the government and the security industry

The demand for cyber security experts continues to raise, the US Government announced further investment to recruit new cyber talents with many difficulties. Cyber security is officially one of the first targets of every government, many countries announced huge investments to improve their cyber capabilities, a great effort that is having a significant impact on budgets and politics. […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2014
Intelligence could exploit Whatsapp bug to track users location

A group of researchers discovered a vulnerability in WhatsApp “Location Share” feature which exposes user’s location to the attackers. Security issues related to WhatsApp application are not a novelty, so popular application are continuously targeted by hackers and security experts that search for vulnerabilities to exploit. Early 2014 experts at Praetorian have been conducting the Project Neptune to […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2014
Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint sensor hacked

SRLabs researchers have published a video POC on YouTube to demonstrate how it is easy to bypass the fingerprint sensor on Samsung Galaxy S5. SRLabs researchers have published a video Proof of Concept on YouTube to demonstrate that they were able to bypass the fingerprint authentication mechanism implemented by Samsung Galaxy S5. The researchers demonstrated to […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2014
German Aerospace Center hit by serious malware-based attack

The German Aerospace Center was victim of a cyberespionage attack, many computers have been infected by sophisticated Trojans and other spyware. Cyber espionage is considerable today one of the most alarming cyber threats for governments and private industries, a growing number of attacks has the primary purpose to steal sensitive information like secret documents and […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2014
Flickr affected by critical SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution bugs

The security expert Ibrahim Raafat discovered critical SQL injection vulnerabilities in Flickr Photo Books which allow attackers to gain complete control of the server and its database. The giant of online photo management and sharing Flickr, a Yahoo-owned company, was affected by critical vulnerabilities which allow attackers to gain access to the webserver website database. The alarming discovery […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 14, 2014
How many mobile Users could be affected by Heartbleed flaw?

Heartbleed is the security flaw that is scaring IT industry, which is its impact on the mobile worlds? How many Smartphone Users could be affected? Heartbleed flaw is the argument that most of all is capturing the attention of the media in this period,  billions of users worldwide have been impacted, there are thousands solutions affected […]