
Pierluigi Paganini June 28, 2014
Android 4.3 and Earlier affected by Critical Code-Execution Flaw

A serious code-execution vulnerability in Android 4.3 and earlier was patched with latest KitKat Android Operating System version. Are you using the Android 4.3 version and you are convinced to be secure? You are unfortunately wrong, because this version of Android and earlier are affected by a critical code-execution vulnerability. According to data proposed by the Android […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 26, 2014
Critical flaw in TimThumb plugin menaces the WordPress world

A critical vulnerability in the WebShot feature implemented by TimThumb plugin expose WordPress instance to Remote Code Execution attacks. The popular image resizing library TimThumb used in many WordPress themes, 3rd party components and plugins is affected by a critical vulnerability which allows an attacker for certain commands to be remotely executed, without authentication, on the vulnerable website. The discovery of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 26, 2014
PayPal two-factor authentication for mobile apps is flawed

Security experts at Duo Security have discovered a serious flaw in the implementation of two-factor authentication which allow attackers to bypass it. Two-factor authentication processes if flawed could give to companies a false sense of security even if we are discussing of PayPal. In the past we have explained how to by-pass Two-factor authentication in various ways, for example, using […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 20, 2014
More than 32000 servers expose admin passwords in the clear

More than 32000 servers containing motherboards manufactured by Supermicro expose admin passwords in the clear, it is a godsend for hackers. A significant number of servers containing motherboards manufactured by Supermicro exposes administrator passwords, the situation is worrying considering that the problem is well known and a series of patches has been already released to fix […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 19, 2014
LinkedIn vulnerable to MITM attack that leverages an SSL stripping could expose users data at risk

Security experts at Zimperium firm revealed that LinkedIn users could be potentially vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle attacks leveraging an SSL stripping. A new research is scaring users of LinkedIn revealing that they could be potentially vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks leveraging an SSL stripping. Despite the US security firm Zimperium reported the problem to LinkedIn more than a […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2014
Towelroot, how to root a Android devices with a click

The popular hacker George Hotz, also known as Geohot, as releases a one click tool dubbed Towelroot to root Android devices exploiting a known Linux flaw. The popular hacker George Hotz, also known as Geohot, has designed a root tool called Towelroot that will let most Android smartphones users to root their device without a particular effort and technical knowledge. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2014
Protecting Brazil 2014 World Cup from cyber attacks

The Italian security firm Tiger Security issued a report on the current state of cyber attacks against the organization of the Brazil 2014 World Cup. The Italian firm Tiger Security is one of the companies in charge to monitor cyber security of the Brazil 2014 World Cup, in these hours its experts have issued an interesting report titled […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 18, 2014
AT&T suffered a data breach,users urge to change passcode

The American multinational giant AT&T confirmed to have suffered a data breach last April, personal data of an unknown number of users was exposed. The American multinational telecommunications corporation AT&T confirmed to have suffered a data breach last April, personal information of an unknown number of users was accessed by employees of one of its contractor. AT&T […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2014
Change in App permissions raises privacy and security issues

A review in the organization of app permissions made by Google could allow malicious apps to silently gain further permissions on the victim’s device. Google has recently made a significant change to the management process for permissions on Android devices, unfortunately security experts noticed that the change could advantage bad actors that intend to conduct attacks against the mobile […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2014
Air-gap network hacking technique, infects systems via cellphone even if isolated from the Internet

Israeli researchers presented the air-gap network hacking technique to compromise a system, even if it is isolated from the Internet, using a cellphone. Researchers at Ben Gurion University presented a study on the hacking technique dubbed air-gap network hacking which allows an attacker to inoculate a specific type of malware into a cellphone and use the mobile device as […]