The researcher Ralf Weinmann revealed that millions of mobile phones and laptops are potentially exposed to attack leveraging baseband zero-days he discovered. The researcher Ralf-Phillip Weinmann, managing director at security firm Comsecuris, has disclosed a zero-day baseband vulnerability affecting Huawei smartphones, laptop WWAN modules, and IoT components. Baseband is firmware used on smartphones to connect to cellular […]
Apple fixed a vulnerability tracked as CVE-2017-2387 in the Apple Music for Android that could allow attackers to launch MitM attacks on the application. The update released Apple for the Apple Music application for Android fixes a certificate validation issue that can be exploited by an attacker to run MitM attacks and intercept user data. […]
A critical flaw could be exploited by attackers within range to “execute arbitrary code on the Wi-Fi chip,” download and install last iOS 10.3.1 version. Last week, Apple released iOS 10.3, an important release of the popular operating system the fixed more than 100 bugs and implements security improvements. Apple opted to push an emergency patch update […]
Chrysaor spyware is an Android surveillance malware that remained undetected for at least three years, NSO Group Technology is suspected to be the author. Security experts at Google and Lookout spotted an Android version of one of the most sophisticated mobile spyware known as Chrysaor that remained undetected for at least three years. due to its […]
Hackers belonging to the Turkish Crime Family group threaten to remotely wipe hundreds of millions of iPhones unless Apple pays a ransom. Crooks are claiming to have over 627 millions of iCloud credentials and intend to wipe date from iPhones, iPads and Macs if the Apple does not pay $150,000 within two weeks. Members of […]
Chinese scammers are deploying rogue cellphone towers to spread the Android Swearing Trojan via malicious URL in SMS messages. Chinese scammers are deploying fake mobile base stations to spread the Android Swearing Trojan in text messages. The attackers have improved the well-known Smishing attack using rogue cell phone towers as the attack vector and distribute the Android […]
Privacy Guard is an Android app that evaluates the risks of data privacy relying on the permissions requested by the apps installed on a device. Mobile devices collect a large volume of personal information that could be used for malicious purposes by adversaries. In order to increase the awareness of user towards the possibility of […]
A single picture could have been used by attackers to hack the popular secure messaging applications WhatsApp and Telegram. Security experts from Checkpoint have discovered a vulnerability that was present in both messaging services. The hack only affected the browser-based versions of both WhatsApp and Telegram. The flaw affected the way both apps process images and multimedia […]
Experts discovered pre-installed malware on 38 high-end smartphone models belonging to popular manufacturing companies such as Samsung, LG, Xiaomi and Asus. In the past, security experts have already reported cases of pre-installed malware on mobile devices. In September 2015, security experts at G-Data security firm discovered new cases of Chinese Android mobile devices infected by […]
Confide App, the secure messaging app used by staffers in the White House and on Capitol Hill is not as secure as the company claims. Confide is the secure messaging app used by President Donald Trump’s staffers for their secret communication. The official website of the application defines the encryption implemented by the mobile application […]