
Pierluigi Paganini March 19, 2012
Millions US government email addresses in the hands of the cybercrime

It has repeatedly reiterated the need for a cyber strategy to reduce risks related to cyber threats from various sources, military, cyber crime or hacktivism. Cyber ​​threats expose our intelligence agencies, our critical infrastructures and our companies to significant risks causing untold perfidious finance. In the area of ​​cyber warfare governments have made considerable strides, gained awareness of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 16, 2012
CIA and the intelligence components of the things

Unfortunately, we rarely stop to reflect on the reality that surrounds us and the potential of the devices we use every day in the office, at home and when we’re out. The technology behind each of them has became the main architect of their operation and no matter whether we are talking about our phone or […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2012
Surgical malware attack agains US via Iran

Sometimes warfare operation and cyber crime are really difficult to distinguish, especially when the cyber scenario is related to country that is facing with rising political tension such as Iran. I refuse to call cyber criminals, a group of expert hackers who made himself the protagonist of a complex story from different points of view. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2012
Why consider an enemy Iran and not Russia?

There is no doubt that through the analysis of the operations of a State in cyber space it is possible to create a political profile of the country itself, discover the level of technology available and design covenants and relations with other countries. Not a day passes without discussion on the hostile Iran, which would seem […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2012
Give me your mobile and I’ll tell you who you are!

No doubt the last two years witnessed the true revolution in information technology world is the development and deployment of mobile systems. I speak of mobile systems and I avoid simply to define them “devices” because of their processing capacity equal to a common desktop. Unfortunately the development of the sector is not paid to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 08, 2012
Cyberespionage and new opportunities for cybercrime

The continued technology push that is shaping our society during the last decade has brought an exponential increase in computer crimes,  every technology innovation has in fact represented an opportunity for industry of crimeto make profitable frauds and business. The cyber crime has many facets, cybercrime fact manifests itself in countless forms and contextualized in relation […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2012
Wikileaks & Anonymous, new alliance against dirty affairs

The day has come, WikiLeaks began publishing more than five million emails from Texas-based global security think tank company Stratfor, a global intelligence firm. This time WikiLeaks has chosen a strategic partner, the international Internet hacktivist group of Anonymous, two forces that together are able to frighten the world’s great, the new alliance against dirty affairs. […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2012
Syria, a massacre began on the web

Syria massacre shocks the world, syrian army has repeatedly bombed the protest city of Homs killing several hundred civilians. The images of the bombings and violence have been broadcasted by the main satellites television Al-Arabiya and Al Jazera, but the Damascus government denied involvement in operations made against civilians, blaming groups of mercenaries trying to incite unrest […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2012
Critical infrastructures & manipulation of the name Anonymous

What are the main dangers for our infrastructures? Too much threats which any country is exposed. The situation is bleak, suddenly the sectors of defense found themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. Once nations shown their proud arms, flaunt power, intimidating opponents in this way. Today the way of fighting is radically changed, the battleground is […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 21, 2012
Google code used to circumvent privacy protections … true or false?

The Wall Street Journal in recent days has published a report on the activities of the Google company against Apple’s users using the Safari browser installed on all products of the company (Mac, iPhone and iPad). It was discovered a mechanism by which Google traced and memorized every online user’s action through cookies, circumventing the […]