
Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2017
WikiLeaks published the user guide for the CIA Weeping Angel, the Samsung Smart TV Hacking Tool

WikiLeaks published the user guide related to the hacking tool allegedly used by the CIA, code-named Weeping Angel, to hack Samsung Smart TV. WikiLeaks has published a new document included in the Vault7 archive containing technical details about another hacking tool allegedly used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This time, the organization has […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2017
The alleged link between the Shadow Brokers data leak and the Stuxnet cyber weapon

Security researchers who analyzed the documents and hacking tools included in the last Shadow Brokers dump found a link to the Stuxnet virus. On Friday, the Shadow Brokers leaked a new bunch of files belonging to the alleged NSA arsenal. Security researchers who analyzed the documents and hacking tools included in the last dump have […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2017
The failure of the missile launch by North Korea may have been caused by US cyber attack

The failure of the missile launch made the North Korea may have been thwarted by a cyber attack powered by the US Cyber Command. The crisis between the US and North Korea is increasing, Donald Trump warns his military may ‘have no choice’ to strike the rogue state. According to The Sun, US cyber soldiers may have […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2017
Callisto APT Group exploited Hacking Team surveillance tools to hack Government targets

The Callisto APT Group borrowed the source code leaked by hackers that broke into Hacking Team network. According to F-Secure Labs, The Callisto APT Group used the HackingTeam leaked surveillance software to gather intelligence on foreign and security policy in eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. The Callisto APT group targeted government officials, military personnel, journalists and think tanks since […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2017
Microsoft says it has fixed exploits leaked by Shadow Brokers in March

Microsoft determined that most of the flaws exploited by the tools in the dump released by Shadow Brokers yesterday were patched in March. Yesterday the Shadow Brokers hacker group has released a new portion of the alleged archive of the NSA containing hacking tools and exploits. The group released a 117.9 MB encrypted dump containing […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 14, 2017
Shadows Brokers released another archive that suggests NSA compromised a SWIFT system

The Shadow Brokers group released a 117.9 MB encrypted dump containing documents that suggest NSA hacker SWIFT system in the Middle East. Last week, the notorious Shadow Brokers hackers group that claimed to have stolen the hacking tools and exploits from the NSA has leaked the password for an encrypted cache of Unix hacking tools […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 12, 2017
Watch out! Shadow Brokers dump includes remote root exploits for Solaris boxes

The security expert Matthew Hickey has discovered two tools dubbed EXTREMEPARR and EBBISLAND which were specifically designed to target Solaris systems. After the mysterious Shadow Brokers group has leaked the archive containing the stolen NSA hacking tools and exploits, security experts started analyzing the huge trove of data. Experts discovered that NSA operators developed an attack […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 11, 2017
Symantec confirms that Longhorn group is tied to CIA operators detailed in Vault 7

Symantec reportedly linked the CIA hacking tools to several cyber attacks powered over the years by the Longhorn group. Security experts analyzed the alleged CIA hacking tools included in the Vault 7 dump that have been used against at least 40 governments and private organizations across 16 countries. Researchers at company firm Symantec reportedly linked the CIA […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 08, 2017
The Shadow Brokers release more alleged NSA hacking tools and exploits

The Shadow Brokers hacking crew sent a message to President Trump commenting recent political events and released more alleged NSA hacking tools. The Shadow Brokers is the mysterious group that in October 2016 claimed to have stolen a bunch of hacking tools used by the NSA for its operations. At the end of October 2016, the hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 07, 2017
WikiLeaks leaked files on the Grasshopper framework, a CIA Tool for creating customized malware installers

Wikileaks published a new batch of 27 documents detailing the Grasshopper framework used by its agents to create custom installers for Windows malware. WikiLeaks continues to disclose documents included in the CIA Vault 7 archive, on Friday published a new batch of 27 documents detailing a framework, dubbed Grasshopper, allegedly used to create custom installers for Windows malware. […]