
Pierluigi Paganini August 14, 2012
Finfisher, the case of a cyber espionage tool found everywhere

Two days ago, reading the news that lawful interception malware FinFisher was discovered in the wild I thought … “wow finally we have the evidence, probably we will debate for a long time regarding the use of this tool and of similar agents” But as fate would have it the same day came the news […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 10, 2012
Gauss, evidence of ongoing cyber-war and cyber espionage campaigns

As expected a new malware for purposes of cyber espionage was once again identified by the Team of Kaspersky Lab. After Duqu, Flame and Mahdi a new cyber-espionage toolkit has been detected in the same region, the Middle East, and like its predecessor is capable of stealing sensitive data such as online banking credentials, browser passwords and […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 07, 2012
DaVinci code,the surveillance business & eligibility of investigations

No doubts, one of the most advanced cyber threat to the technological evolution is the malware diffusion, we read daily news regarding new unknown agents developed by cybercriminals, governments or hacktivists, but are we really ready to reduce the exposure of our resources? Some weeks ago a news has passed without  too much noise but […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 03, 2012
Facebook, more than 83 million questionable profiles.The poisoned networks

Crazy … a year ago on a warm June evening I began to formalize some ideas on a concept of great relevance today, the “social network poisoning”. I am the person who coined the term, proposing the scientific community with some colleagues who share my ideas as Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni and Kalos Bonasia. Immediately I inserted […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 01, 2012
Governments are increasing cyber security on social media

Many experts are sure, the new horizons of intelligence are in the social media and in the ability to control them. Governments are more careful on the analysis of social media and the vast amount of information which they hold. Intelligence agencies have learned that Social networks and forums are exceptional instruments for information gathering […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 26, 2012
New Madi instance and “AC/DC” virus, Middle East as shooting range

The Middle East has always been considered an area of the planet’s turbulent for the continuing conflict and political tensions among the states that inhabit it. In the last two years, the tensions seem to have intensified and with it has grown the diffusion of malware for cyber espionage and for offensive purposes. In the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 19, 2012
UK cyber strategy discussed in ISC report 2011/2012

The elaboration of a proper cyber strategy is one the main target of intelligence services all around the world. We often discuss of US and Israel, but also European governments are pushing to reinforce their presence in the cyber space. The fear of cyber attacks against critical infrastructures is high, it is a common strategy […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 18, 2012
Mahdi campaign, ongoing cyber-espionage in the Middle East

Again another great investigation of the excellent team of Kaspersky lab and its partner Seculert firm has discovered an ongoing campaign to conduct a large scale infiltration of computer systems in the Middle East area. The campaign has targeted individuals across several states of the area such as Iran, Afghanistan and also Israel. The operation […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 17, 2012
Anonymous, Wikileaks & Par:anoIA, evolution of hacktivism

In the last months we have assisted of an intensification of the operations that we common locate under the hacktivism umbrella. Millions of people claim freedom of internet access and the respect of human rights. The right to Internet access, also known as the right to broadband, states that all individuals must be able to […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 17, 2012
International Collaboration to Bring You Authoritative Insider Perspectives on the Global Cyber Safety and Security Status (4/4)

  Article published on The Malta Indipendent             Ron Kelson                    Pierluigi Paganini by Ron Kelson – Vice Chair ICT Gozo Malta Project, Pierluigi Paganini – Director and CISO of Bit4ID, Italy and Benjamin Gittins – CTO Synaptic Laboratories Ltd. Cyber security, civil liberties, our common welfare and the stability of […]