The Iran Government is also trying to isolate the protests by blocking internet on mobile networks, authorities are blocking Instagram and messaging services like Telegram. At least 12 people dead in the biggest challenge to the Government of the Tehran regime since mass demonstrations in 2009. The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tried to downplay the dangerous situation, while violent […]
Fancy Bear APT group refactored its backdoor and improved encryption to make it stealthier and harder to stop. The operations conducted by Russian Fancy Bear APT group (aka Sednit, APT28, and Sofacy, Pawn Storm, and Strontium) are even more sophisticated and hard to detect due to. According to a new report published by experts from security firm ESET, the […]
Lithuania announced it will ban the products of the cyber security giant Kaspersky from computers in critical infrastructure. After the decision of the US Government for banning Kaspersky software, Lithuania announced it will ban the products of the security giant from computers in critical infrastructure (energy, finance, and transport). Lithuania is member of the EU and […]
It’s official, according to Tom Bossert, homeland security adviser, the US Government attributes the massive ransomware attack Wannacry to North Korea. It’s official, the US Government attributes the massive attack Wannacry to North Korea. The news of the attribution was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, according to the US Government, the WannaCry attack […]
Experts from McAfee Labs collected evidence that links DragonFly malware to other hacking campaigns, like BlackEnergy and TeamSpy attacks. On September 6, Symantec published a detailed analysis of the Dragonfly 2.0 campaign that targeted dozens of energy companies this year. Threat actor is the same behind the Dragonfly campaign observed in 2014. Further analysis conducted […]
Kaspersky Lab sues the U.S. Government over product ban, it’s appeal was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Last week, the US President Donald Trump signed a bill that bans the use of Kaspersky Lab products and services in federal agencies. Section 1634 of the bill prohibits the use of security […]
According to a German court, the BND must not store the metadata of international phone calls for the purpose of intelligence analysis. Just a week ago, we discussed the German Government is preparing a law that will force hardware vendors to include a backdoor in their products and to allow its unit to hack back, now German […]
The US President Donald Trump signed a bill that bans the use of Kaspersky Lab products and services in federal agencies. Section 1634 of the bill prohibits the use of security software and services provided by security giant Kaspersky Lab, the ban will start from October 1, 2018. Below the details of the ban included in the section […]
Cyber espionage is now becoming more sophisticated and widespread both on the international and domestic stages. These are 10 Biggest Cyber Espionage Cases. Cyber spying is now becoming more sophisticated and widespread both on the international and domestic stages. Cyber terrorists can attack you from any place in the world at any time if you […]
The Indian Intelligence warns China is spying its troops through 42 mobile apps, for this reason, the Intelligence Bureau asked soldiers to delete them. The Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) has warned that Chinese cyber spies are collecting confidential information about the Indian security installations through its popular mobile phone apps and devices. The Intelligence Bureau issued an advisory to the […]