cyber espionage

Pierluigi Paganini October 21, 2014
100 million iCloud users spied by the Chinese Government

A report confirms that China is collecting private data of more that 100 million Apple iCloud users resident in the country with a man-in-the-middle attack. The Chinese Government has launched a new hacking campaign that is targeting Apple iCloud users in the country, the news was reported by the censorship watchdog is a blog post. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2014
Malvertising campaigns hit US military industry to steal secrets and intellectual property

A new wave of malvertising attacks finalized to cyber espionage is targeting military contractors to military secrets and intellectual property. Security experts at security company Invincea have uncovered a new malvertising campaign used as a attack vector for highly-targeted cyber espionage operations against at least three firms in the US military industry. The malvertising is becoming even more popular in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2014
Security Companies united against the Hidden Lynx APT and its weapons

Principal security firms united in a joint effort dubbed Operation SMN against the cyber espionage group known as Hidden Lynx and its arsenal. The Hidden Lynx APT is a China-based group of hackers that conducted numerous cyber espionage campaign against U.S. defense contractors and other foreign organizations. The name Hidden Lynx was assigned to the APT by experts at […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 14, 2014
SandWorm hacking team exploited 0-day against NATO and other Government entities

iSIGHT Partners firm uncovered a Russian hacking team dubbed Sandworm that was running a cyber espionage campaign on NATO and other Government entities. According to a new report issued by the cyber security firm iSIGHT Partners a group of Russian hackers has been exploiting a previously unknown flaw in Microsoft’s Windows operating system to spy on […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 13, 2014
China considers cybersecurity a primary need

China calls for stronger cybersecurity to respond the aggressive cyber-war conducted against its systems by Western countries. It’s not a mystery, China is within those countries that most of all are investing to improve cyber capabilities and strengthen its leadership in the cyber space. According to state media broadcasters Chinese Government will continue to invest to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2014
DARPA ASOM technology identifies counterfeit microelectronics

DARPA announced the deployment of the ASOM technology which will be used to inspect critical equipment to detect counterfeit microelectronics. The presence of counterfeit microelectronics in cybersecurity equipment is considered a critical problem for the US Government, in military sector the hardware qualification has assumed a crucial importance for national cyber security strategy. The US DARPA supports the development of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 18, 2014
Chinese hackers hit several US contractors

A report issued by the Senate Armed Services Committee reveals alleged Chinese hackers conducted dozens of cyber attacks on US defense contractors. A study conducted by the Senate Armed Services Committee discovered that hackers gained access to the systems run by US defense contractors work for the US Transportation Command (TRANSCOM). The Senate study released […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 11, 2014
Dyre Zeus variant malware used for corporate espionage

Security experts warn Dyre malware is being used by cyber criminals for corporate espionage instead harvest banking credentials. Dyre is the name of a new variant of the immortal Zeus banking trojan worries cyber security experts, this new strain doesn’t limit its stealing activity to user’s banking credentials, but search for customer information. Dyre has been detected […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 06, 2014
APT ported XSLCmd Backdoor on OS X according to FireEye

Security Experts at FireEye Lab discovered a new variant of the XSLCmd backdoor that has been used in targeted attacks infecting Mac OX based systems. Experts at FireEye Labs have discovered a previously unknown variant of the APT backdoor XSLCmd, OSX.XSLCmd, which is used by a group of hackers known for past cyber espionage activities against the U.S. […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 04, 2014
AlienVault discovered Watering Hole attacks using Scanbox for reconnaissance

Security experts at AlienVault discovered a series of watering hole attacks using the Scanbox reconnaissance Framework that is targeting several industries. Security experts at AlienVault Labs have uncovered a watering hole attack with a singular characteristic, the attackers are using a framework developed for reconnaissance as the primary infection vector. The attackers deployed a malicious JavaScript on the targeted […]