A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! The best news of the week with Security Affairs. First of all let inform you that at the #infosec16 SecurityAffairs was awarded as The Best European Personal Security Blog http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/48202/breaking-news/securityaffairs-best-european-personal-security-blog.html The value of the Ethereum Digital Currency is Plummeting after a hack Be careful, a new phishing tactic […]
Locky ransomware starts up again its illegal activity of stealing money from their victims after a temporary inactivity since the end of May. This time, it comes with hard-coded javascript A new Locky campaign appears in the wild with, experts observed million malicious email messages starting from June 20. Researchers at Proofpoint observed that this […]
Facebook has fixed a serious logic flaw that could have been exploited by hackers to delete any video uploaded in comments on someone’s Facebook post. Facebook has fixed a serious security vulnerability in the Facebook’s platform that could have been exploited by hackers to delete any video uploaded in comments on someone’s Facebook post. The security […]
Today I propose you an interview with Rahul Sasi, the Founder of Machine learning based cloud security company CloudSek. Rahul Sasi (@fb1h2s) is the Founder of Machine learning based cloud security company CloudSek. He was an Admin member for Garage4hackers.com. He is ePrior to founding CloudSek he was a Sr Engineer at Citrix where he held […]
PayPal has fixed a vulnerability that could have been exploited by attackers to deliver malicious images through the payment pages of the website. The Security researcher Aditya K Sood discovered a vulnerability that could have been exploited by attackers to deliver malicious image through the payment pages of the PayPal website. The expert noticed that the […]
Fansmitter is a new acoustic data exfiltration method devised by a group of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. We all know that air-gapped networks aren’t totally secure, in the past, many research groups have devised methods to steal data from computers disconnected from the Internet. It is possible, for example, to exfiltrate data […]
Apple confirms iOS 10 kernel code left unencrypted intentionally to improve OS performance and ensures that it will have no impact on security. The news is intriguing, while Apple announced the new release of its mobile operating system, the iOS 10, the experts discovered that its kernel is unencrypted. The researchers from MIT Technology who reviewed […]
This disclosure of an unpatched Remote Code Exec flaw in the Swagger API framework compromises NodeJS, Ruby, PHP, and Java. Swagger is a representation of RESTful API that allows developers to get interactive documentation, client SDK generation and discoverability. The Swagger generators are privileged tools for organisations to offer developers easy access to their APIs. Currently, the […]
Researchers discovered more than a dozen flaws in Uber app and websites, many of them allow hackers to access driver and passenger info. Security experts from the Integrity firm have found more than a dozen flaws in the Uber website that could be exploited by hackers to access driver and passenger data. The researchers discovered a total […]
According to the experts from FireEye attacks from China against the US started declining in mid-2014 and has continued to decrease, why? Earlier this week, FireEye released a report showing a significant decline in cyber-attacks originating from China. According to the report, the attacks started declining in mid-2014 and has continued. According to FireEye, the […]