Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini July 13, 2016
Experts found a government malware on the Dark Web

Experts have made a disconcerting discovery on the Dark Web, they have found a sophisticated government malware that could be used to target Energy Grids. We have discussed several times about the militarization of the cyberspace and the risks that a government malware goes out of control, what about is a powerful hacking tool is […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 13, 2016
How to defeat every ransomware with Crypto Drop

A group of American boffins have devised a system dubbed Crypto Drop that working with a “save what you can” approach is able to defeat all ransomware. A group of researchers from the University of Florida and Villanova University has devised a technique, dubbed Crypto Drop, to defeat all ransomware. The team published a paper […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2016
Hacker Interviews – John McAfee, the legend

Dear readers, I’m really proud and excited to share with you my interview with a legend Mr John McAfee. John McAfee is one of the spiritual father of modern cyber security, he developed the first commercial antivirus, but John is much more. He is the “artist” of security, a modern juggler of technology. Multi-talented and […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2016
Is your iOS device hostage? Old scam scheme used to lock mobile

A number of iOS devices are being held ransom by the Russian “Oleg Pliss” who is demanding a payment of $100 to unlock the device. Basically the hijack is being done using stolen iCloud passwords and the “locate device” feature to lock the device and display a message to the affected user. Now how the passwords […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2016
NATO on Cyber Defence : Time Level Up

NATO on Cyber Defence – The cyberspace has become the new battlefield and an ingreasing number of threats leverages on it to target real world assets. ‘We want eight and we won’t wait!’  What could this slogan or chant be for? Maybe Quentin Tarantino was only writing about 7 Hateful people and his publisher wanted […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2016
JIGSAW ransomware defeated once again, decrypt your files for free

If you are one of the victims of the Jigsaw ransomware there is a good news for you, experts from CheckPoint Security have defeated it once again. Let’s start the day with a  good news, the Jigsaw ransomware has been decrypted again. The JIGSAW ransomware was first spotted in April when experts noticed that the threat slowly […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 12, 2016
NATO Warsaw summit 2016, what about cyber security?

What about cyber security issues discussed during the NATO members during the Warsaw summit held in Poland on 8 and 9 July 2016. At the Warsaw Summit this weekend NATO, as anticipated weeks ago, the alliance has officially recognised cyberspace as a military operational domain. This means that the NATO alliance will respond with conventional […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2016
The hidden link between the Angler EK drop and the Lurk gang

Experts from Talos team have found a link between the drop in the Angler Kit usage and the crackdown against the Lurk gang. Security experts believe to have found a link between the drop in the Angler Kit usage and the crackdown against the Lurk gang. Law enforcement arrested suspects in June, authorities accused them […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2016

Terrorism – JIHADIST OPS – Jul.03-10, 2016 – This is merely an intel brief. Subscribe GII for a more comprehensive and developed MENA and/or SE Asia report. GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE INSIGHT Global Intelligence Insight delivers reports on worldwide jihadist operations with a particular focus on the Middle East and North of Africa, partnering with and […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2016
Be careful backdoored Pokemon GO Android App spotted in the wild

ProofPoint have found in the wild a backdoored version of the popular Pokemon GO Android App that could allow attackers to gain control over victim’s device The gamers are going crazy for the last Nintendo game Pokemon GO which uses augmented reality , the mobile app is used by players to walk around and collect […]