Be careful when using gift cards, cyber criminals have learned how to exploit this popular form of gift-giving, especially during the Holiday season. Every day, users receive dozens of gift cards from top retailers for sale online, some of these are legitimate gift cards sold through third-party sites that resell used or unwanted cards, but a good portion […]
According to a new study conducted by researchers at Digital Citizens Alliance and RiskIQ almost one-third of the 800 torrent websites served malware. People believe that the best way to see a film or get a software is downloading from one of the numerous torrent websites online. Probably there is something that you should know. According […]
The Iranian Cyber police (FATA) is actively monitoring the activities of the Daesh terrorist group (ISIS) in the country. “Live by the sword, die by the sword,” Iranian hackers are intensifying their activities against the Western countries, recently security firms have uncovered several cyber espionage campaigns targeting US and European. organizations. In November, experts from […]
A new intelligence report shared with law enforcement warns of ISIS’ ability to create fake Syrian passports, it’s alarm. According to a report issued by the US intelligence, the ISIS has the ability to create fake Syrian passports, the news was confirmed this week by a federal official. The news was reported by the ABC […]
Donald Trump called for a sweeping ban on Muslims entering the United States soil and Anonymous declared war against him. After the recent campaign #OpParis against the ISIS militants, the popular collective of hackers Anonymous now turned its effort against the billionaire Donald Trump which is a US presidential candidate. Donald Trumpâs call for a sweeping […]
According to the French Prime Minister Valls the Government will not ban Public Wi-Fi or the Tor Network. Last week, documents leaked to Le Monde suggested that the French Government was planning to adopt drastic measures in response to the terrorist threat, including the ban of the Tor Network and curtail public Wi-Fi. According to an […]
The British Government as part of the Investigatory Powers Bill is planning to hack children’s smart toys to snoop on suspects. We discussed several times the possibility to spy on people through smart device, including smart toys. A couple of weeks ago, the security expert Matt Jakubowski explained that the new Wi-Fi-Enabled Hello Barbie can be hacked to extract […]
Censys is a new Search Engine for devices exposed on the Internet, it could be used by experts to assess the security they implement. Now the hackers and experts have a new powerful tool for their analysis, it is Censys, a search engine quite similar to the most popular Shodan. Censys is a free search engine that […]
Trend Micro announced that the Asian market are being targeted more than ever by well-funded cyber criminal group that appears very organized. The attacks rely on the Bifrose code to develop their backdoor, a malware that has been around since 2008. In 2014 it was reported that a new version of Bifrose appeared in the wild. Among the improvements observed […]
A New Zealander expert has found hundred of thousands of vulnerable engine immobilizers are remotely hackable due to a flaw. The New Zealander Lachlan Temple (@skooooch) has discovered hundred of thousands of vulnerable engine immobilizers are remotely hackable. The expert discovered a flaw in a popular cheap car tracking and immobilizer gadget that can allow remote attackers […]