
Pierluigi Paganini April 02, 2021
Conti Ransomware gang demanded $40 million ransom to Broward County Public Schools

Ransomware gang demanded a $40,000,000 ransom to the Broward County Public Schools district, Florida. It is just the last attack of a long string against the sector. Ransomware operators continue to target organizations worldwide and school districts particularly exposed to these malicious campaigns. Recently the Broward County Public Schools district announced that it was victim […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 30, 2021
30 Docker images downloaded 20M times in cryptojacking attacks

Experts discovered that 30 malicious Docker images with a total number of 20 million pulls were involved in cryptomining operations. Palo Alto Network researcher Aviv Sasson discovered 30 malicious Docker images, which were downloaded 20 million times, that were involved in cryptojacking operations. The expert determined the number of cryptocurrencies that were mined to a mining […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 29, 2021
London-based academies Harris Federation hit by ransomware attack

Harris Federation, the multi-academy trust of 50 primary and secondary academies in and around London, was hit by a ransomware attack. A ransomware attack hit the IT systems of London-based nonprofit multi-academy trust Harris Federation on Saturday, March 27. Harris Federation is a multi-academy trust of 50 primary and secondary academies in and around London […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 29, 2021
Ziggy ransomware admin announced it will refund victims who paid the ransom

Administrator of Ziggy ransomware recently announced the end of the operation, and now is promising that its victims will have back their money. In an unusual move, the administrator of Ziggy ransomware after the announcement of the end of the operation now is promising that they will give back their money. Ziggy ransomware ceased the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 29, 2021
New Purple Fox version includes Rootkit and implements wormable propagation

Researchers from Guardicore have spotted a new variant of the Purple Fox Windows malware that implements worm-like propagation capabilities. Researchers from Guardicore have discovered a new version of the Purple Fox Windows malware that implements worm-like propagation capabilities.Up until recently, Purple Fox’s operators infected machines by using exploit kits and phishing emails. Previous versions of […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2021
Clop Ransomware gang now contacts victims’ customers to force victims into pay a ransom

Clop ransomware operators now email victim’s customers and ask them to demand a ransom payment to protect their privacy to force victims into paying the ransom. Clop ransomware operators are switching to a new tactic to force victims into paying the ransom by emailing their customers and asking them to demand a ransom payment to […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2021
Experts spotted a new advanced Android spyware posing as “System Update”

Researchers spotted a sophisticated Android spyware that implements exfiltration capabilities and surveillance features, including recording audio and phone calls. Experts from security firm Zimperium have spotted a new sophisticated Android spyware that masquerades itself as a System Update application. The malware is able to collect system data, messages, images and take over the infected Android […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2021
Hades ransomware gang targets big organizations in the US

Accenture security researchers published an analysis of the latest Hades campaign, which is ongoing since at least December 2020.  Accenture’s Cyber Investigation & Forensic Response (CIFR) and Cyber Threat Intelligence (ACTI) teams published an analysis of the latest campaign conducted by financially motivated threat group Hades which have been operating since at least December 2020.  Experts discovered that threat actors targeted […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2021
FBI published a flash alert on Mamba Ransomware attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued an alert to warn that the Mamba ransomware is abusing the DiskCryptor open source tool to encrypt entire drives. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) published an alert to warn that the Mamba ransomware is abusing the DiskCryptor open-source tool (aka HDDCryptor, HDD Cryptor) to encrypt entire drives. […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 25, 2021
Facebook took action against China-linked APT targeting Uyghur activists

Facebook has closed accounts used by a China-linked APT to distribute malware to spy on Uyghurs activists, journalists, and dissidents living outside China. Facebook has taken action against a series of accounts used by a China-linked cyber-espionage group, tracked as Earth Empusa or Evil Eye, to deploy surveillance malware on devices used by Uyghurs activists, journalists, and dissidents living […]