
Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2022
China-linked APT41 group targets Hong Kong with Spyder Loader

China-linked threat actors APT41 (a.k.a. Winnti) targeted organizations in Hong Kong, in some cases remaining undetected for a year. Symantec researchers reported that cyberespionage group APT41 targeted organizations in Hong Kong in a campaign that is a likely continuation of the Operation CuckooBees activity detailed by Cybereason in May. Winnti (aka APT41, Axiom, Barium, Blackfly) is a cyberespionage […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 17, 2022
New UEFI rootkit Black Lotus offered for sale at $5,000

Black Lotus is a new, powerful Windows UEFI rootkit advertised on underground criminal forums, researcher warns. Cybersecurity researcher Scott Scheferman reported that a new Windows UEFI rootkit, dubbed Black Lotus, is advertised on underground criminal forums. The powerful malware is offered for sale at $5,000, with $200 payments per new updates. The researcher warns that […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 17, 2022
Japanese tech firm Oomiya hit by LockBit 3.0. Multiple supply chains potentially impacted

The IT infrastructure of the Japanese tech company Oomiya was infected with the LockBit 3.0 ransomware. One of the affiliates for the LockBit 3.0 RaaS hit the Japanese tech company Oomiya. Oomiya is focused on designing and manufacturing microelectronics and facility system equipment. The business of Omiya Kasei is divided into four major areas, manufacturing and designing […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2022
Mysterious Prestige ransomware targets organizations in Ukraine and Poland

Microsoft warns that new Prestige ransomware is targeting transportation and logistics organizations in Ukraine and Poland. Microsoft reported that new Prestige ransomware is being used in attacks aimed at transportation and logistics organizations in Ukraine and Poland. The Prestige ransomware first appeared in the threat landscape on October 11 in attacks occurring within an hour […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 15, 2022
New PHP Version of Ducktail info-stealer hijacks Facebook Business accounts

Experts spotted a PHP version of an information-stealing malware called Ducktail spread as cracked installers for legitimate apps and games. Zscaler researchers discovered a PHP version of an information-stealing malware tracked as Ducktail. The malicious code is distributed as free/cracked application installers for a variety of applications including games, Microsoft Office applications, Telegram, and others.   Ducktail has been […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 13, 2022
China-linked Budworm APT returns to target a US entity

The Budworm espionage group resurfaced targeting a U.S.-based organization for the first time, Symantec Threat Hunter team reported. The Budworm cyber espionage group (aka APT27, Bronze Union, Emissary Panda, Lucky Mouse, TG-3390, and Red Phoenix) is behind a series attacks conducted over the past six months against a number of high-profile targets, including the government of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 13, 2022
The discovery of Alchimist C2 tool, revealed a new attack framework to target Windows, macOS, and Linux systems

Experts discovered a new attack framework, including a C2 tool dubbed Alchimist, used in attacks against Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. Researchers from Cisco Talos discovered a new, previously undocumented attack framework that included a C2 dubbed Alchimist. The framework is likely being used in attacks aimed at Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. The experts […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 13, 2022
POLONIUM APT targets Israel with a new custom backdoor dubbed PapaCreep

An APT group tracked as Polonium employed custom backdoors in attacks aimed at Israelian entities since at least September 2021. POLONIUM APT focused only on Israeli targets, it launched attacks against more than a dozen organizations in various industries, including engineering, information technology, law, communications, branding and marketing, media, insurance, and social services. Microsoft MSTIC […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 13, 2022
YoWhatsApp, unofficial WhatsApp Android app spreads the Triada Trojan

Kaspersky researchers warn of a recently discovered malicious version of a popular WhatsApp messenger mod dubbed YoWhatsApp. Kaspersky researchers discovered an unofficial WhatsApp Android application named ‘YoWhatsApp’ that steals access keys for users’ accounts. Mod apps are advertised as unofficial versions of legitimate apps that have features that the official one does not supports. YoWhatsApp is […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 12, 2022
LockBit affiliates compromise Microsoft Exchange servers to deploy ransomware

Lockbit ransomware affiliates are compromising Microsoft Exchange servers to deploy their ransomware, experts warn. South-Korean cybersecurity firm AhnLab reported that Lockbit ransomware affiliates are distributing their malware via compromised Microsoft Exchange servers. In July 2022, two servers operated by a customer of the security firm were infected with LockBit 3.0 ransomware.  Threat actors initially deployed […]