Former LulzSec leader Sabu (Hector Xavier Monsegur) accused by the hacker Jeremy Hammond to have incited state-sponsored attack for the U.S. Government. LulzSec was a popular group of hacktivists that breached many high profile targets during the last years, we all remember the Sony Pictures occurred in 2011. The group also claimed responsibility for taking down many other […]
The FBI claims to have neutralized Anonymous thanks the long series of arrests that hit principal cells of the collective such as LulzSec, Antisec and SABU. FBI in the last months has intensified the investigation on the Anonymous collective, various members of the popular group of hacktivist have been identified and arrested. Lulz Security (Lulzsec) team recognized its responsibility for the Sony Picture […]
Alleged members of the hacker collective Anonymous posted alleged passwords of Hill staffers, but according expert they are outdated and inaccurate. Anonymous claimed to have stolen credentials of members of Congress to protest against the popular surveillance program PRISM. Anonymous is back and once again it targeted US institutions, the group leaked over 2000 username […]
The energy sector is threaten with increasing frequency by hacktivists, state-sponsored hackers and cybercriminals… The number of cyber attacks against energy sector is increased creating great concerns within the security community. Oil and gas firms are subject to continuous offensives moved by hacktivists and state-sponsored attacks, their activities are crucial for any country and due this reason are considered privileged targets. […]
OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7 as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack will hit Banking and government websites. OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7th as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack against will hit banking and government websites. The announcement made by popular group of hacktivists is creating great […]
A nightmare come true, last Thursday The United States House of Representatives approved the debated cyber security bill, Â the act will force any company to give away all the userâs data it collects if asked by the government, trampling all claims of privacy of the people on the Internet in the name of security. The […]
We all remember the debated attacks of Anonymous collective against Israeli government that targeted various websites of the country last April 7th. The data on the cyber attacks reported by Israel government are really different from the one provided by the group of hacktivists in the damage report for #OpIsrael that account for a Total […]
The #OpIsrael is destined to make the history, for the first time a collective decided to conduct a large-scale cyber attack against a state, despite the campaign started a few months ago it has reached its peak on 7th April when various organizations of hacktivists targeted Israele Web sites with powerful DDoS attacks and in some cases defacing them […]
The day is near, the group of hackers belonging to the collective of Anonymous declared in a unanimous way, war on the state of Israel, promising a sensational action on April 7th. The popular group of hacktivists started in the last months a campaign dubbed #OpIsrael  to  protest against Israeli bombing of Palestinian territory, the hackers have […]
Israel is considered by various group of hacktivists an enemy state to fight, for this reason they decide a joint operation to start on April 7th as part of #OpIsrael.  The attack started in 2012 against the protest against Israeli bombing of Palestinian territory, hacktivists are expressing full solidarity with the Palestinian people, the interest is high […]