The year started very difficult for the U.S. government, its networks have been constantly hit by hackers that for different reasons have tried to steal sensitive information and intelligence secrets. The principal menaces against US come from state-sponsored hackers and hacktivists, in the last months we have read of many cyber attacks, mainly for cyber […]
The new is very curious and represents the demonstration that cyber threats could not be analyzed separately, security need a global approach, we cannot distinguish between cybercrime and cyber warfare but we must be focused on the cyber menaces, their effects and the risks connected to adoption of not appropriate security measures. The case is […]
The war of Anonymous against US institutions is continuing, few weeks ago the group of hacktivists hit Federal Reserve computers and now announced the it accessed to State Department’s website and its database, publishing it online on ZeroBin website. Anonymous also violated the site of investment firm George K. Baum & Company, motivating its actions […]
The hacktivists of Anonymous group are still very active and are continuing their campaign dubbed #OpLast Resort, this time hitting US financial world. The hackers have published private information and credentials of around 4,000 American bank executive accounts to protest on actual U.S. computer crime law reform judged unfair. The hacktivists have published on Pastebin […]
Someone early this year said the hacktivism phenomena and its symbol Anonymous, will exhausted its strength, sincerely I was shocked by this affirmation because I believe that is not possible to stop an ideology and hacktivism is a form to express the dissent with cyber operations. The Aaron Swartz’s tragedy has raised many questions regarding […]
On this day Bitcoin turns 4 years old. As any 4 year old will tell you this has been a wild ride. From a little know digital currency to today’s acceptance into the legal banks and marketplace this little currency that could has shocked world leaders, stunned banking officials all over the world trading and […]
Ten years, that is the time interval that has totally changed the worldwide perception for the role of hacker, these specialists were once seen as shady individuals to avoid, today they are highly sought professionals in both private business and government sectors. Which are the reasons for their success? The world has acquired awareness on […]
The year is ending and it’s very easy to read forecast for next year, experts are sure that we will assist to a sensible increase of state-sponsored attacks and to the raise of sophisticated malware, both cyber threats will exploit large scale channels such as mobile and social networks. The majority of forecast are focused […]
Once again the group of hackers Team Ghostshell conquers a record to have attacked major organizations and expose around 1.6 million accounts from the victims. In the past the hacktivists attacked Russian Government and businesses during a campaign named ProjectBlackstar. The hackers during the operation named ProjectWhiteFox have targeted a wide range of companies operating in […]
Recently I wrote a post to describe the national blackout occurred is Syria, the event officially justified by the regime as a technical problem but that according many experts it could be the result of Government censorship operation. The collective of Anonymous is sure that Syrian regime was responsible for the national outage which purpose […]