
Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2012
Critical infrastructures & manipulation of the name Anonymous

What are the main dangers for our infrastructures? Too much threats which any country is exposed. The situation is bleak, suddenly the sectors of defense found themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. Once nations shown their proud arms, flaunt power, intimidating opponents in this way. Today the way of fighting is radically changed, the battleground is […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 20, 2012
Stopped antivirus for Iran, controversial penalty

I have just read the news that Iran will be banned the purchase of antivirus systems, a kind of technological embargo with clear reference to the virus Stuxnet and the need of the country to prevent further infection to any control systems of critical infrastructures, nuclear plants first. The new has been made public by […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 15, 2012
Stuxnet “neutralized” – Who sows the wind storm gathers!

The news has caused much uproar in the scientific community, according European and U.S. officials and private experts the iranian scientists have isolated and made harmless the Stuxnet malware that has infected the control systems of the nuclear plants all over the country. For some years Iranian security experts are facing with this virus that is […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 13, 2012
Iran case … security threat and oil business

At this time we are seeing continuing propaganda operations of Iranian government that is trying to convince with its proclamations the public opinion regarding technical capacities in its possession. Military troops, nuclear weapons, and a cyber army ready to destroy any enemy stronghold in cyber space. Too much experts believe that in reality, the West rather […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 07, 2012
Syria drama and impact on cyberspace

The situation in Syria aroused much concern in the world because it could trigger, in a highly unstable, a conflict that many have tended to avoid. The world, today unarmed, is witnessing a fierce crackdown led by President Bashar al-Assad, a massacre against an opposition that wants the removal of what is considered a dictator […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2012
Stuxnet, are we really safe now? No, of course!

Once again I draw inspiration from the argument “Stuxnet” on which much is being read on the web at this time, and a lot of which will be discussed in the years to come. From all the scientists Stuxnet was defined a deadly weapon, but why  if any direct damages recorded are comparable to those […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2012
Cyber ​​chess, a game just begun

So far this year we have witnessed an escalation of attacks against those who are considered the major superpowers on cyber warfare, U.S. and Israel. Real motivated attacks in cyberspace capable of paralyzing the critical services of the target countries and after this offensive is lawful expect a reply first under warfare matter and of […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2012
Iran – China Axis and the dangerous alliances

If you were to ask me what is the most frightened nation in terms of cyber offense without a doubt I say it is China. The Beijing government has distinguished itself in recent years in the field of warfare demonstrating extraordinary abilities. It is among the first nations to have understood the importance of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 10, 2012
North Korea, why too many see it as a cyber threat?

In the recent years we have seen increasing attention from governments in the presidium of the cyber space. The concept of cyber warfare has become reality with the materialization of new threats that can strike unpredictably with a real destructive power like conventional weapons. In a period of radical changes are narrow new alliances and […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 04, 2012
Why the use of a cyber weapon has proved a winner?

In recent months one of the topics of greatest interest in the international scientific community has been the development of new cyber weapons to use against hostile countries. What dominates, without any doubt, was the use of viruses and other malware to attack critical infrastructure of the opponents. The Stuxnet case did school, for sure […]