
Pierluigi Paganini August 18, 2015
SS7 flaw allows hackers to spy on every conversation

By Exploiting a flaw in the SS7 protocol hackers can access every conversation and text message mobile users send from everywhere in the world. Hackers can spy on every mobile phone user wherever it is. Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes has revealed the existence of a security hole in modern telecommunication systems that could be exploited by […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2014
SS7 Attacks and Potential Breaches in Telecommunication Leading to Chaos.The Ukraine case.

Recent revelations have made it clear that SS7 breaches can occur, thanks to the vulnerabilities of such a set of protocols for telecom. Hackers can take advantage of these threats, like they have done in the past, as German researchers warn. The example of Ukraine and Russia highlights the danger crawling towards countries wishing to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2014
Analyzing the HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014 Report

Group-IB published the annual HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014 Report, a document focused on high-tech crimes associated with traditional computer crime. Group-IB, a leading company in cybercrime prevention and investigations, has issued its annual report titled “GROUP-IB REPORT: HIGH-TECH CRIME TRENDS 2014″ which cover the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014. The report is one of […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 14, 2014
SandWorm hacking team exploited 0-day against NATO and other Government entities

iSIGHT Partners firm uncovered a Russian hacking team dubbed Sandworm that was running a cyber espionage campaign on NATO and other Government entities. According to a new report issued by the cyber security firm iSIGHT Partners a group of Russian hackers has been exploiting a previously unknown flaw in Microsoft’s Windows operating system to spy on […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 28, 2014
Russian Hackers disguise Kelihos bot as Anti-Government Software

Russian Hackers are spreading the Kelihos Trojan leading victims into believing that it is a software to hit Western Governments. Kelihos botnet is still active and exploited by the cybercrime ecosystem to monetize its effort as discovered by security experts at Bitdefender. Cyber criminals have a single purpose, to earn money by any means, for this reason it is […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2014
Satellite images demonstrate that Ukraine is hit by pro-Russian troops across the border

The US Ambassador in Ukraine has released satellite images that prove Russia is firing rockets at Ukrainian troops across the border. The US State Department has released a collection of satellite images, via the ambassador in Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt,  that demonstrate that the Russian Army is firing rockets against Ukrainian troops located across the border. […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2014
Cybercrime exploits the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

Security experts at TrendMicro have detected a spam campaign via Twitter which exploits the incident occurred to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. Unfortunately, tragedies like the one occurred to the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 or the recent escalation in Gaza are excellent occasions for cyber criminals that try to exploit the public attention to carry out illegal activities. […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 30, 2014
Russia and Ukraine cyber dispute analyzed by FireEye

FireEye has issued data which show the intensification of activities in the cyberspace correspondent  to geopolitical tension between Russia and Ukraine. The Geopolitical dispute between Russia and Ukraine has its correspondence in the cyberspace, principal security experts have observed an increase in the number of cyber attacks between the two countries. Cyber units on both sides may be actively engaged in […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2014
Possible evolution of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine

Intelligence Analysts analyzing signals from the cyberspace have tried to predict the evolution of the dispute between Ukraine and Russia. The correlation of the events in the reality with ongoing activities in the cyber space is an essential part of the OSINT analysis. Security experts at Recorded Future, a firm partly funded by the CIA venture capital […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 03, 2014
F-Secure has discovered MiniDuke malware samples in the wild

Security Experts at F-Secure discovered a collection of pdf documents, that had references to Ukraine, containing MiniDuke malware samples. MiniDuke is the name of a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign discovered more than one year ago by experts at Kaspersky Lab and Hungary’s Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS). The malicious code was used by unknown hackers to […]