Big outcry on Wikileaks that last week has published more that 2.4 million emails allegedly obtained from continuous hack against Syrian government and organizations connected to the regime. The correspondence of “Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies” between August 2006 and March 2012 has been defined embarrassing for the government of Damascus and its […]
I desire to tribute another article to the group that catch the worldwide attention of security community, Anonymous. Few years to consolidate its image become one of the most debated phenomenon on internet, many consider the collective a threat, many other the expression of a dissent to listen. Both interpretations are correct, but let’s think […]
In today’s society technology plays a crucial role and is used as a new cultural vehicle, and even aggregation element or carrier to express dissent against the policies of governments and private companies. Groups such as Anonymous are maximum expression of a phenomenon defined “Hacktivism” that refers the usage of computers and computer networks […]
Article published on The Malta Indipendent by Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, David Pace, Ben Gittins Today, the chief executive officers (CEOs) of many businesses are becoming aware of the need to ensure their IT systems are secured to protect their organisation, their customers, and their stakeholders. According to Brian Snow, former technical director of the US NSA’s […]
Last Christmas the Stratfor Global Intelligence was hacked by Anonymous who disclosed company website and also the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations. The hacker gained access to a subscriber list stored on, and that list contained unencrypted credit card data. Stratfor is an organization that gathers open source intelligence which […]
The news has creating great surprise in the security community, a group of computer scientist has declared that has cracked the RSA SecurID encryption model. The news is sensational due the large diffusion of the tokens for the implementation of PKI infrastructures in both private and government sectors. RSA SecurID, is a mechanism developed by […]
A couple of days ago a read about a new amendment to copyright laws passed in Japan last week. The amendment recognizes as illegal downloads of pirated material establishing extremely severe penalties for the violators. The law comes into effect in October and it establishes that those people that download pirated material such as DVDs […]
We live in the cyber era, governments measure their capabilities in the cyberspace with reciprocal attacks of increasing complexity.Every government is developing an adequate cyber strategy investing huge quantity of money in the establishment of cyber units, on formation of groups of cyber experts and on the development of new cyber weapons. In this scenario […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – June Edition “Malware” With the term malware we refer a heterogeneous family of malicious software designed with the purpose to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to victims systems. With the term we indicate in fact several types of malicious code such as computer […]
There isn’t peace for social network platforms, priority target for cybercrime and governments, they represent a mine of data useful for business and espionage. After the news of the LinkedIN hack, also Twitter have been successfully attacked by a group of hacktivist named LulzSec Reborn that has leaked user credentials of more of 10,000 accounts. […]