The defense of cyberspace is becoming one the most concerning question to approach, governments all around the world are massively investing in cyber technology with the resultants that the number of cyber operations is increasing exponentially. William J. Lynn, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, states that: “as a doctrinal matter, the Pentagon has formally recognized cyberspace as a […]
Cyber Threat Summit 2012 – 20th & 21th Dublin Pierluigi Paganini presents “The rise of cyber weapons and relative impact on cyber space” About Pierluigi Paganini: Chief Information Security Officer, Security Evangelist, Security Analyst and Freelance Writer. Security expert with over 20 years experience in the field. Certified Ethical Hacker at EC Council […]
Article Published on DDoS Attacks PT Extra 05_2012 The article proposes an analysis of DDoS attacks, explaining how the offensive technique is used in several contexts to hit strategic targets for different purposes. The discussion is supported with the statistics provided by the principal security firms that provide solutions to protect infrastructures from this kind of […]
The U.S. are one of the most advanced country under cyber warfare perspective, we have read a lot on its capabilities and its offensive power, to remark some sample we can remind the plan-X project and the development of the cyber weapon Stuxnet. We all imagine that the U.S. are still really active in the […]
We have long discussed the possibility of an Israeli attack against Iran, security experts have long sought leave signs that presage an imminent attack trying to figure out how I can take it. We all know about the potential of Israeli military, a war machine that could scare the big of the planet and that […]
The Middle East has always been considered an area of the planet’s turbulent for the continuing conflict and political tensions among the states that inhabit it. In the last two years, the tensions seem to have intensified and with it has grown the diffusion of malware for cyber espionage and for offensive purposes. In the […]
One of the biggest cyber threat is cyber espionage, it’s the sign of the technological era in which every devices surround has an intelligence component that could be exploited. Governments first, cyber criminal after, have discovered the great efficiency of malware used to steal sensible information to the victims, no matter if we are speaking […]
In the last decade we have observed the raise of cyber attacks, no matter their purpose, cyber warfare or cyber espionage for military or private business, they have demonstrated how much dangerous is a cyber offensive. The U.S.’s leading cyberwarrior has estimated that private businesses are losing hundreds of billions to cyber espionage and cybercrimes, […]
Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 06 2012 The article exposes the main issues related to the use of SCADA systems in critical infrastructures, providing a careful analysis of the relative level of security on a global scale. It discusses the main vulnerabilities of critical systems exploitable by cyber […]
It’s been long debated the need to protect critical infrastructures from cyber attacks, cyber threats could hit foreign countries causing loss of human lives identically to a conventional attack. Donât forget that similar attacks con be organized by state-sponsored hackers or cyber criminals with the different purposes, target destroying or cyber espionage. Emergency Response Teams […]