Microsoft and Apple released security updates to fix the FREAK vulnerability recently discovered and affecting their products. FREAK is a major security flaw recently discovered that left users of Apple and Google devices exposed to MITM attack while visiting supposedly secure Websites. At the same time Microsoft issued a specific security advisory to inform its […]
Researchers hack NSAâs website with only $104 and 8 hours of Amazonâs cloud computing power using the #FREAK vulnerability A team of researchers demonstrated that it is possible to exploit the FREAK vulnerability to hack the official NSA website by using 8 hours of Amazonâs cloud computing power and spending only $104. The researcher made […]
According to a security advisory published by Microsoft all supported versions of Windows are affected by the recently discovered FREAK vulnerability FREAKÂ is major security SSL/TLS vulnerability recently discovered that for more than a decade left users of Apple and Google devices vulnerable to hacking when they visited millions of legitimate and secure websites. The critical […]
The Ramnit botnet has been shut down in a joint effort by the Europol and the security firms Symantec, Microsoft, and Anubis Networks. Another success For the Europol and its allies Microsoft, Symantec, and Anubis Networks. The organizations in a joint effort have shut down command and control servers of the popular Ramnit botnet. The Joint Cybercrime […]
The experts at the IT Department of the EU parliament bans the Microsoft mobile Outlook app due to the recently disclosed privacy and security issues. A few day ago I wrote about serious security issues for day ago I wrote about serious security issues for Microsoft mobile Outlook app, the researcher and Head of Development at midpoints […]
Microsoft issued a security advisory for the JASBUG critical flaw, affecting all Windows OSs, that could be remotely exploitable. The news of the day is that a 15-year-old vulnerability in all Microsoft systems was fixed by the last critical patch issued by the company. The vulnerability, dubbed JASBUG and coded as CVE-2015-0008, could be exploited by an attacker to […]
Cisco experts discovered a phishing campaign that is spreading fake Volume License Trojan Chanitor to corporate users and is able to evade sandboxes. A few weeks ago, multiple Cisco Managed Threat Defense (MTD) customers received an email that appeared as sent by the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC), which contains a link to login to the […]
A researcher has discovered a series of security issues in the newborn iOS Outlook app that allows Microsoft to access user emails and credentials. Security researcher and Head of Development at midpoints GmbH and IBM Champion RenĂ© Winkelmeyer has published a blog post to warn about security issues in the newborn iOS Outlook app. According to […]
Experts at Bitdefender have discovered a spam campaign that tricks antispam filters by relying on macros in Empty Word Documents. Security experts at BitDefender observed a new tactic adopted by spammers that rely on emails with an empty Word document in the attachment to bypass anti-spam filters. The social engineering strategy adopted by spammers to lure victims into […]
GreatFire revealed that the popular Microsoft Outlook emailing service was subjected to a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack in China. This time the popular Outlook email service was allegedly hacked by Chinese authorities. The Outlook email service was not reachable in China over the weekend and according the to experts at the GreatFire organization, Chinese Government run a man-in-the-middle […]